we're being seperated😪

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*annie was eating cereal while watching Netflix when she got a notification*

Crackhead best friends🤪❤️

Hey yo, uh, theirs sum Oliver and I need to tell y'all. meet us at the park. It's important

Alex big brother❤️‼️:
dang, that important? Ok then

My baby💍💕:


Annie changed her outfit real quick and went to the park where everyone else was

Alex: so what was so important that y'all needed to tell us?
Oliver: well... we rathered see you guys here in person because..
Sebastian: this is the last time we'll see you guys😔
Annie: Wait- what? Y'all are joking right?
Kenzie: what do you guys mean?
Oliver: *sighs* our mom.. she... well she found out about Sebastian and I and, she's separating us.😔
Indiana: woah-
Alex: Wait- if she's separating y'all then we'll at least still see one of you guys right?
Oliver: no.
Sebastián: she's keeping me and is sending Oliver to Virginia with our dad, but she's moving to Chicago with me. 😪
Annie: Wait- so.. is this it? We're just not gonna see y'all again?
Oliver: sadly yes😔
Kenzie: well, hopefully you guys have fun in your new lives 😔
Indiana: we're gonna miss you guys 🥺
Sebastián: we'll miss you guys too
Annie: so what about you guys? did you guys have to end things too?
Sebastián: yeah
Oliver: we were forced to 😔
Sebastián: well we have to go, tomorrow we'll be leaving to our new homes 😪
Alex: wait! one last group hug before y'all leave 
Oliver: *smiles* alright yeah

*they all group hugged for about a minute, after that they all let go*

Alex: thank you guys for everything
Sebastián: no thank y'all for everything.
Jayden: man so now I won't have my best friend either😔
Sebastian: of course you will jay, *wraps arm around her* we'll still text and FaceTime every once in a while.
Oliver: well, we have to go now. goodbye 😪
Annie: goodbye guys 😔

*sebastian and Oliver left*

Indiana: we lost two more people in our friend group 😪
Annie: we started with 18 and now we're 10 🥺
kenzie: i have feeling something else bad will happen to another one of us real soon 😔
Jayden: no don't even say that, I can't handle all this sadness anymore 😔
Johnny: yeah, neither can I 🤧🤧

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