Im lesbian🤭😱

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*Two days later, Annie woke up and took a quick shower, she changed into some black leggings and a white shirt with her logo on it and her hair straighten and down. She did a little bit of make up and walked downstairs to eat some breakfast*

Hayley: well good morning sleepy head😂
Annie: shut up hay😂 where's mom?
Hayley: she's still upstairs. She's taking a shower I believe.
Annie: oh. Well then what's for breakfast?
Hayley: I'm eating some waffles I don't know about you. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Annie: *sighs* guess I might as well eat the same thing.

*Annie got herself some waffles with honey and began eating. While she ate she went live on instagram*

Annie: hey guys *smiles* 💓  so I'm eating breakfast with Hayley. *shows the camera to Hayley*
Hayley: hi *smiles*

*Annie set the phone on a bottle so it would stay still and showed both Annie and Hayley eating*

Hayley: "So long we don't know anything about Hayley" I know😂
Annie: "where's Caleb?" Baseball game.
Hayley: like always😂
Annie: 😂 yeah like always

*Annie read a comment that Jayden left*

Annie: "your make up is cute" aw thanks Jayden!❤️
Hayley: it's been so long that I don't know about your friends😂
Annie: yeah that's so true😂

*Kenzie commented on the live*

Annie: "y'all are cute" aw thanks baby❤️ ily! Text me after the live💗
Hayley: aw! Y'all are goals💕
Annie: *laughs*

*Hayley read a comment from Brooke*

Hayley: "hi Hayley" hi Brooke💕 miss u!
Annie: oh hi Brooke. Although u didn't say hi to me but😂
Hayley: *laughs*

*Annie read another comment*

Annie: "what happened to Diego? Why hasn't he been active?" Um.. I'm not going into details. But currently he's going through some stuff right now. Not gonna say what tho, cause that's personal. Um, so because he's going through some things he's not going to be active for a couple of days. Alex and I and the others still talk to him tho. Um so yeah..

*after a while into the live, Annie and Hayley finished eating and Annie ended the live*

Hayley: Annie I wanna ask.. and tell u something😕
Annie: what is it?
Hayley: first thing is.. now that i think about it what did actually happen to Diego?😕
Annie: that's personal Hayley. I can't say it.
Hayley: why not??
Annie: because it's personal🙄
Hayley: tell me!!😫 *she whined*
Annie: no Hayley.
Hayley: please!! He was also my friend you know? Your friends are my friends as well.🙄
Annie:.. okay now that's true.
Hayley: yeah so tell me what happened!
Annie: um..
Hayley: please! I won't tell no one.
Annie: fine. So remember when he called me that night that you, me and Caleb were watching a movie in my room?
Hayley: yeah
Annie: well.. turns out that a group of 20 year old guys ganged up on him😔
Hayley: *mouth drop* really?😰
Annie: yeah.. he's at the hospital right now.😔
Hayley: well hopefully he'll be okay.
Annie: yeah. Anyway what's the other thing u wanted to tell me?
Hayley: well um.. I don't know how to say this😕
Annie: say it. I'm here for u.
Hayley: well um.. I think I'm lesbian.🙊
Annie: woah...wait? How?
Hayley: cause.. I see pictures of "cute" boys but I never think that they're attractive. But when I see pictures of girls I start thinking they're cute 😰
Annie: ooo okay😏 got anyone that makes u nervous?
Hayley: wdym?
Annie: have a crush on anyone?
Hayley: well.. u see. I've been spending a lot of time with Txunamy..💕🙊
Annie: ohh! U like txunamy?
Hayley: yeah.. I honestly wanna ask her out. Buh i don't know how to😕
Annie: that's easy. How do u wanna do it? Over text or in person?
Hayley: I think person would be better
Annie: well. Next time u go to her house. Get her a cute gift. Then u give it to her. When y'all are alone u just take one or both of her hands. Tell her how u feel about her and then u just ask her "do u wanna be my girlfriend?" If she says yes. Then congratulations😊
Hayley: But what if she says no?😥
Annie: if she says no then oh well. There's a bunch of more girls out there, Hayley. She's not the only one. But u don't lose anything with trying. 😊
Hayley: thanks Annie💗 this is why ur the best sister ever! *Hugs Annie*
Annie: *hugs back* aww! 💓

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