Chapter 2 Firefighters, Planes, and Adventures!

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Hey, hey... Finally my Works tab works.. Haha.

Anyway! Enjoy a chapter!


Adam POV:

I stand in the street and watch as firefighters try to put the massive fire out in my house, I can't believe I made it out of there unharmed I thought I was done for.

I pull out my phone that I somehow managed to save from the fire and decide to call Anthony. I dial his number and listen to the loud rings of the call being connected, after the third ring he picks up.

(Ant=Anthony and A=Adam)

Ant: Hey! Nanners, how are you?

As soon as I here Anthony's voice I get this warm feeling in my stomach.

A: Oh, hey Chilled.. I'm... I've been better to be honest

I say staring back at my house the firefighters are still working on

Ant: Adam...What's wrong?

He asks, his voice growing worried.

A: Well, besides the fact my house is on fire-


A: Oh, god.. No Anthony I'm out of there, the firefighters are working on putting it out right now.

I hear Anthony breathe out a sigh of relief

Ant: I'm glad you're okay Adam, I.. -

He stops

A: Anthony? Are you still there?

Ant: Where are you and Cathy going to stay now?

I feel a pang in my chest at the mention of Cathy.. I forgot she broke up with me.

A: Oh, she broke up with me.. Right before the fire.

Ant: Oh, Adam.. I'm sorry, do you have a place to stay?

I think of places I could go and come up with none... Apparently I was silent too long, because Anthony coughed

Ant: Adam, you can come stay with me, if you want..

I think for a minute and look up at my house, that is now not on fire, then I think about Cathy. As my eyes start to tear up I clear my throat, not wanting Anthony to hear my voice crack, and speak into the phone.

A: Are you sure Anthony, I mean... I don't want to impose..

Ant: Adam, I wouldn't have asked you to stay with me if I wasn't sure.

I sigh, feeling like a burden

A: Alright.. If you're sure man.

Anthony and I talk about flight times and then hang up, giving me time to compose myself and gather anything left from my house to take with me.

I walk up to one of the firefighters standing outside my house.

"Umm.. Excuse me?" I say, loud enough for him to hear me.

The firefighter turns around, and gives me a stern look.

"May I help you, sir?"

"Was there anything left from the fire?" I ask, pointing to my house.

The man looks to my house and then back at me with a sympathetic expression on his face.

"Sir, there are only a few things the fire didn't burn, surprisingly."

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