Chapter 12 Tracking, Blood, and The Monster

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Hey, so.. Last we left I had created a horrible Cathy monster..

Read on, readers, read on.


Smarty POV:

After I had gotten off of the phone with Anthony, I begin to search for the location of that number. I soon get a general area, then about ten minutes pass and I get the location.

"That was easy.. Too easy." I mumble to myself. I write down where the number was traced to and pick my own phone up, dialing Max's number.



Smarty: "Man, that was fast... It didn't even ring once. This must be really important."

Anthony: "Yeah, it is important. Where are they?"

Smarty: "The number was traced to a warehouse not far from where you live." I give him the exact location.

Anthony: "Thanks Smarty. I owe you man."

Smarty: "Listen, I know you said 'no questions asked' but.. What's going on?"

I hear a deep breath, then noises, like he's passing the phone off.

Max: "Smarty?"

Smarty: "Max, what's going on?"

Max: "Listen.. We may need your help again so I'm gonna tell you. Anthony and Adam are basically togethe-" Max is interrupted by Anthony "Dude, we haven't talked about that yet!" Max exhales loudly "Anthony, I'm just gonna go ahead and say you two are together, now shush."

"Anyway, Cathy had broken up with Adam, then Adam's house had burned down, Adam came here, Cathy is.. Well crazy, and she kidnapped Adam."

Smarty: "Whoa, seriously?"

Max: "Yeah, Smarty. I have to go.. We have to help Adam, feel free to help out in any way you can."

Smarty: "Hah, yeah Max. I'll be watching your backs."

I hang up and get to work on seeing if there is anything that I can do to help.

One hour later

Adam POV:

"AHH!" I flinch as I hear Max's voice from behind a curtain on my left. I look to my right to see Anthony knocked out in a chair bleeding from his head. I hear another loud scream and then silence. The curtain on the left moves and I jerk my head in that direction to see Cathy. She has blood all over her and a sadistic grin spread on her face.

"What the hell did you do?!" I yell as I struggle to break free from the chair. Cathy comes over to me and gets close to my ear.

"They're in our way, baby." I shiver at her words and she stands up, going towards Anthony.

"Don't you touch him Cathy. Don't you touch him." She looks at me and gives me the same sadistic grin. She pulls the curtain to where I can't see what she's doing.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM!" I scream as loud as I can, but then hear a power tool being turned on.

"CATHY, NO!!" I sob as I realize I can't do anything, I can't save him..


Ohhhhh.. What happened guys? How'd they get in that situation?

Guess you'll find out in the next chapter.

Comment what you think is going to happen.



Stay Awesome!

P.S. Keep the pitch forks away... D:


Don't Let Go (SeaChaos Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora