Chapter 3 Protectiveness

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*Cue creepy voice*

Hello, and wellcome back to....

This story, were you... By any chance wondering what was going to happen?

Well then... Read on, readers, read on.

*End creepy voice*


Anthony POV: (Ohhhhh, switched!)

I get out of the car and rush over to the passenger side door and open it for Adam. I see his face get a little red, but it quickly goes away. I wonder if he feel uncomfortable. Maybe he knows I like him?.. I wonder if he likes me? Does he know I'm bi? I start to have my questions overwhelm my thoughts, but then I hear my name.

"Anthony?" I see Adam look at me with his beautiful eyes.

"Uh- yes Adam?" I say, looking at the ground trying to keep my face from turning red.

"Are you sure I won't bother you by staying here?" I look back up at his face and see he's sad.

"Adam, you won't bother me." I say, giving him my best reassuring smile, but he doesn't look convinced, so I pull him in for a giant hug and he takes a minute, but hugs me back. I swear I hear him crying a little bit, but he quickly pulls away and grabs his bag out of the car.

-10 minutes later-

Adam POV:

"Hey, Adam? Are you hungry?" He asks, standing in the doorway of the room he led me to as I pull my computer of of my bag.

"Nah, I'm good. I was just thinking about taking a nap, I'm exhausted." I reply, yawning.

Chilled looks at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes, but then it quickly goes away.

"Okay." He says and starts to walk away, but stops and turns to face me "Hey, Adam?"


"Are you okay? And I don't mean that shitty 'yo dawg you cool?' I'm really asking." I look into Anthony's eyes and see them twinkle. I start to smile, but then don't thinking of his question. I give his question a few moments of thought, then, fully thinking over the question I say "To be honest Anthony, no. I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't even know if the fire was an accident. It's really scary to think about, I mean to hear that someone you loved may or may not have tried to kill you is nerve racking. You know?"

Anthony freezes for a few seconds, seeming far away from where we were, then suddenly comes back into reality. Anthony nods, with tears in his eyes then whispers an "I'm sorry." Before walking away.

Wonder what that was about, has anyone hurt him? I grow angry as I think of someone, anyone hurting poor Anthony. My fists curl into balls, and all of my problems fade away momentarily. My heart leaps painfully in my chest as I think about someone even teasing Anthony. I fall onto the bed and slowly fall asleep with Anthony invading my thoughts, and soon, my dreams.




More! Post more!

Oh, wait... He he.. I'm writing it xD

Sorry for the short chapter, I'll make it up in the next one.

Enjoy and

Stay Awesome!

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