Chapter 6 Hiding, Seeking, and Falling

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I'm back with another part! Yayz! Have fun reading and meet me at the bottom of the page :3


Adam POV:

I sit in my hiding spot in the tree and see Anthony looking for me in all the wrong places. I start to giggle uncontrollably and I accidentally giggle a little loud, because Anthony quickly looks in my general direction. I cover my mouth with my hands and hope he doesn't know exactly where I am. Anthony starts walking in my direction, so I pull my phone out of my back pocket and decide to mess with Anthony.

(A=Adam and Ant=Anthony)

A: Hey chilled, you realize that's more than your nickname, right?

A wait a few seconds, then see him check his phone. He looks around, obviously frustrated and a few seconds later I receive a text.

Ant: ADAM! If you're cheating or anything I swear.

I smile at his text,

"It fills my heart when he knows me so well." I whisper to myself.

A: Oh come on chilled... I would never cheat.. Scouts honor!

I snicker to myself and immediately receive a text back.

Ant: You were never a Boy Scout! Scouts honor means nothing to you!

I smile evilly at the text and send one back, but when I look up Anthony isn't there; I quickly look around, and still can't find him, I decide to text him.

A: Hey, where'd you go?

No response.

A: Chilled... Where are you?

Still no response. I begin to panic.

A: Anthony... Please answer me.

I look around again, hoping to spot him, but I don't. I look back down at my phone, then I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Found you." I hear Anthony say.

I scream and start to fall forward out of the tree, when hands quickly grab me and pull me back up.

"Are you okay?" Anthony asks as he holds on to me, bringing me closer to his chest. I take a deep breath and try to hide my red face by putting my face on his chest, within a few moments I realize he's holding me and my face turns even more red than before. I pull slightly away, getting a better look at his face, then in the moment, I kiss him. I'm surprised when he kisses back, but I quickly pull away.

"Umm, we should probably get out of this tree." I say avoiding his eyes. I carefully pull away from Anthony and climb down the tree. Anthony comes down seconds after me, but I keep avoiding looking at him.

"I'll be back in a second, I gotta call Gassy." I say while walking away, grabbing the water bottle I brought that i dropped earlier, pulling Max's number up on my phone. I take a swig of my water, then press call.


Ring. Ring.

Ring. Ring. Ri-

Max: "Hello?"

Adam:"Uhh, hey Max. How are you?"

Max: "How am I? How are you?! You're house burned down and you're asking ME if I'M okay? You haven't told me anything about your well being, you just told me what happened and left me hanging. So, yes Adam, I'm fine."

Adam: "I'm really sorry Max, I've been hanging with chilled. Speaking of, I have to tell you something."

Max: "Sure Adam, tell me." He says with a huff. I roll my eyes and look behind me to make sure I was far enough away from chilled, I was.

Adam: "Max..." I start, but then think of him hating me forever if I tell him anything. I open my mouth, but quickly shut it wondering if I should tell him. "Uhh.. He beat me at hide and seek.. I'm so pissed man." I lie, well not really, except I'm not pissed. I think of a way to get out of the conversation without making it any more selfish, then I hear someone in the background on Max's side.

Max: "Hey, I have to go Adam.. I'll call you later and we'll talk more then, okay?"

I nod my head, but then realizing he can't see me I say okay and we hang up.

I look back at Anthony who is sitting in a patch of flowers. I feel my heart leap and start to wonder.

Why do I have to love someone who doesn't even like me in that way?

I start to walk towards Anthony, when I feel sick..

"Anth-" i try to call out, but it comes out strangled.

I fall to the ground and the last thing I see is Anthony running towards me, screaming my name.


Somewhat short chapter, I know and I'm sorry. But yeah. No excuse. Anyway.

Thanks for reading so far! I'll post the next chapter soon, Enjoy, annnnd...

Stay Awesome!

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