Chapter 4 Dreams Are Scary

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Adam Dreamland POV:

I find myself in a white room filled with surgical supplies. As I walk around the room, investigating the tools I hear a scream. I look around and see a door across the room I didn't notice before, and run to it. I turn the knob, opening the door and find myself in a long, narrow hallway. I hear another scream and run towards the direction of it. I hope whoever it is is alright.

I feel like I've been running forever, making no progress in the seemingly never ending hallway, so I stop and listen for a moment. I hear a piercing scream come from behind me, I turn around and am face with a dead end except for a large door. I hesitate, but move towards the door, then gripping the doorknob to where my knuckles are white I throw the door open and am horrified by the sight it see.

It's Anthony. He's strapped to a table bleeding from various wounds on his body. I rush over to him and start to undo the straps holding him down.

"Anthony! You're going to be alright. I'll get you out of here." As soon as I get one strap undone I'm pulled away from Anthony and thrown across the room, landing on the *insert sarcasm here* most comfortable metal cabinet ever. I look at the person who threw me and see a masked figure standing over Anthony with a knife against his throat.

"No! Please.. Don't hurt him." I beg the masked person.

"Oh, Adam. I wouldn't have to hurt him if you didn't love him, I know you don't see it but I'm helping you, in the process of also saving him." The figure applies pressure to Anthony's throat, causing him to bleed horribly and make a horrible gurgling sound.

"NO!" But the figure doesn't stop. I rush over and try to pull the figure away, but after a few attempts they succeed in their sick point. I start to cry when the figure steps towards me and slaps me.

"Stop being a baby, you didn't need him! I'm here for you, now he can't get in the way." The figure laughs a laugh that chills me to the core. I feel useless, this person killed Anthony, I have to kill them. I grab a knife off a table near me and go at the figure with it. I stab the figure in the arm, getting the knife stuck. I back up, but not quick enough. Before I even realize what has happened I'm done on the ground having trouble breathing and a sharp pain radiates from my side. I reach my hand down and feel a warm liquid seep out of me. I'm wounded, they stabbed me, I'm dying. They last thing I remember is the figure laughing and taking off their mask, but I pass out before I see the face of my murderer.



Oh, sorry... Did I scare you... ;-;

Forgive me. I didn't mean to.

Anyway! Enjoy, and

Stay Awesome!

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