Chapter 15 Happy Ending Chapter :3 <3

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Here shall be the happy ending!


(Some of it is the same, sorry. Nothing horrible though! :D)

Read on, readers, read on.



I find access to a few cameras in the warehouse and use them. I see Cathy go into a curtain and Adam looking over at Anthony, crying. I pick my phone up and report this to the cops. They ask me a lot of questions, but I don't mind. I just hope my friends are okay.

Anthony POV:

I wake up to a loud sound, like a power tool, and someone screaming. I open my eyes and see Cathy with a chainsaw..

A chainsaw?! She couldn't have picked something less messy, I mean dang, when I die I don't want my blood to stain anything, making people scrub the stain for eternity. Okay, Anthony.. Focus, you're fixing to die bro.

I hear crying coming from behind a curtain, and I decide now is the time.

"ADAM!! I LOVE YOU! I ALWAYS HAVE!!" I yell, tears running down my face. Cathy puts the chainsaw just above my leg, when she's grabbed from behind and pulled through the curtain. The chainsaw dangerously drops to the ground and moves around in search of something to hack in two. I hear voices, but can't make out what they say thanks to the stupid chainsaw. I see a hand reach through the curtain, then a figure. It's a man, wearing a S. W. A. T. team uniform, but how did they know we were here?

The man walks over, avoiding the dangerous chainsaw, and unplugs it. I sigh in relief as my hearing is not blocked by that horrific noise. The man comes to me and unties me from the chair. I get up and rush to the curtain, only two things on my mind. Adam and Max.

I push the curtain away and see Adam crying in a chair with S. W. A. T. members surrounding him. He looks up into my eyes and pushes the men away from him, rushing to me and pulling me in for a giant hug. He sobs onto my chest and keeps repeating that he's sorry, but I just stroke his hair and tell him it isn't his fault. I stand there for a few minutes, trying to calm him down, when I remember someone else was with me.


I make Adam look at me, and stare into his worried filled eyes.

"Where's Max?"

Adam looks over at another curtain.

"He's lost a lot of blood, but.. They are saying he'll be alright." I walk over and push the curtain back revealing Max on a stretcher, fixing to be escorted to the hospital. I walk over and squeeze Max's hand before they take him.

"Everything will be alright buddy, I promise." I say as tears fall down my cheeks. The paramedics that are beside him put him in the back and take him to the hospital, then I get bombarded with questions.

I calmly answer them and then call Renee to tell her about Max. After I get yelled at slightly about not keeping her man safe I see Adam come towards me. I tell Renee goodbye and walk the rest of the way to Adam.

"Anthony.. I'm so sorry." He says, pulling me into another hug.

"Baby, don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault." He looks up at me with a smirk on his face.

"Wow, I feel selfish, but did you just call me baby?"

"Mayyybe." I say, trying to hide a smile. "Oh, hey Adam.." I pause and he looks straight at me with his mesmerizing eyes. "I never asked.. Will, will you be my boyfriend?" I feel my cheeks heat up and feel my heart painfully skip a beat, waiting for him to answer.

"Yes." He says, and I pull him into a kiss.

-Small annoying time skip-

Two days later

Max POV:

Yes! Today I get out of the hospital, which is great. The food here sucks. Renee sits beside me, holding my hand and Adam and Anthony sit on the other side of me. For some reason they're talking about noodles.. (Don't ask me man, noodles was the weirdest thing I could think of.)

The nurse comes in and hands Renee a clipboard. Renee signs it and the nurse says I'm free to go. Adam leaves the room so I can get dressed, but before Anthony leaves he comes and gives me a small hug, careful not to hurt me, and whispers.

"I'm sorry I got you hurt Max. It's all my fault, I guess if you need me for a dangerous mission to help get Renee back I'll be the first to volunteer." He breaks away from the hug, and walks out. Renee helps me get dressed, and about an hour later we get to escape the hospital, hopefully never seeing the inside of one again.

Renee and I tell Adam and Anthony to be safe, then get on our plane to go home. I feel in my pocket and smile when I feel it. The tiny velvet box holding my future. I look over at Renee and see she's looking out the window at the clouds. I lean close to Renee. "I love you." I tell her.

She looks at me and smiles one of her crowd stopping smiles. She puts her hand on mine and squeezes it.

"I love you too."

Adam POV:

I wake up screaming from my nightmares again and feel hands grab me. I slap them away and scream more.

"Adam.. It's me." I hear Anthony's soothing voice and relax. I look over and see him with a worried look on his face. I lay back down, facing him and he stokes my cheek.

"I'm sorry I woke you up again."

"Don't be sorry Adam. Just remember I'm here now. I won't let anything hurt you." I smile at his words.


I see Anthony smile at me using his name for YouTube.

"Yes, Adam?"

"I love you.."

Anthony kisses me sweetly on the lips.

"I love you too."

I cuddle closer to Anthony and he holds me. I feel his warmth and I feel safe.

"Anthony.. Don't let go."

Anthony looks at me and gives me a knowing look.

"I would never."

We fall asleep within a few seconds and I actually have a good dream.

In it Anthony and I get married, I really hope I'm psychic because I love this man, and I would marry him in a heartbeat. I would never let him go, and he would do the same for me.


Good? Good.

Well it's been fun guys.

Thank you for reading.

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I just love you guys. <3

Accept my love for you! You have no choice!

Enjoy and

Stay Awesome.


Don't Let Go (SeaChaos Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora