Chapter 9 Crying, Promises and Nightmares

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Okay, now... 

Read on, read on... O_O


Anthony POV: 

"Adam, I love you." I say, closing my eyes, hoping I haven't messed everything up. I hear Adam quietly cry. 

"Adam, you've been crying every since we got in the car back at the hospital. Please tell me what's wrong." I look at Adam and see his beautiful face corrupted by tears. I realize he's not going to tell me what's wrong, so I start to walk back to the stove and get my food, when Adam grabs my arm.

"Wait... I'll tell you what happened..." I nod slowly and sit down beside him. He starts telling the story from the point after I went back inside the hospital to get his phone, I hear about what happened with Cathy, and what she said to him.

"Then she just...left and you came back, but I thought it was her again.. When we got home I went into my room and I couldn't stop crying, I cried myself to sleep. The worst part is I got you into this mess, so if I stay I have a feeling she'll hurt you, and I couldn't let her hurt you. I lov-" He stops and looks up at me, with tears in his eyes. "I love you" he whispers. I stand up, and Adam stands too with worry in his eyes. I pull Adam into a giant monkey hug (Hehe.... Only one person will get this) and stoke his hair as he nuzzles up against my chest. 

"I'll protect you Adam. She won't hurt you. I promise." 

After a few minutes we break away from the hug, I look at Adam's face and see he looks tired. I bet he couldn't sleep, he sounded like he had a nightmare. I look over at the clock on my wall and see it's midnight. I look back down at Adam, who yawns making me yawn. 

"Adam, you know yawns are contagious." He gives me a slight smile and heads to his bedroom. I start to clean up the dishes, when I hear Adam.

"Hey Chilled?" I turn around to see him look frightened. 

"Yes?" Adam shifts, as if unsure to ask whatever he was going to ask.

"Could you- Will you-.... " He pauses "I'm scared." 

Realization hits me when I understand what he wants. I walk over to him, kiss him on the cheek making him blush, and lead him to his room. I lay down with Adam giving him cuddles. ( :3) Eventually we both fall asleep, dreaming our dreams.

Adam Dreamland POV:

I wake up in the same white room filled with surgical supplies, I get up and go over to the door I did last time, not even bothering looking around this time. I open the door and when I do I hear a scream coming from left and right.

This is new.I think to myself, then I walk down the left path. When I was here last time there was only on path. Right? I hear the scream louder this time. I'm already close? That was fast. I see a door up ahead and run to it. I reach the door and throw it open, when I do I'm greeted by darkness. I squint to see anything, but I get hit in the head with something and fall to the ground. The next thing I know is that someone is holding me down, while another straps me to a table. I loose consciousness when I feel a prick in my arm and something flow into my blood stream.

I am awoken by a slap to the face and laughing. I look up to see Cathy with an evil look on her face and her eyes malevolent. I try to get off the table, but I remember I'm strapped down. Cathy bends down to my ear and I can feel her cold breath bringing chills down my spine.

"Adam.. I have a present for you." She straightens back up and motions for someone else to come over. I look up and see the one person I never expected to see. 

"Anthony?" I choke out. Anthony gives me an evil smile and grabs something off of the table of surgical supplies. Anthony comes towards me with a bite block and tries to put it on me. I shake my head, trying to avoid the bite block, but Cathy comes over and holds my head still as Anthony puts it in my mouth. I look at Anthony, my eyes pleading with his but he looks away and grabs something else off of the table. When he returns I scream as well as I can with this bite block in my mouth, as Anthony goes to saw into my leg I wake up with a pain in my leg.



Sorry not sorry. :D

Anyway, What do you guys think is going to happen? Comment below.

Enjoy, and 

Stay Awesome!

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