S01E08 - Christine

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Eventually, we got far away from the city. As a result of driving wherever the road led us for hours, we had gone away from the main towns that we were hoping to set foot into. The signs naming the towns ahead looked the same to the out of town me. By this method we would’ve ended up meeting the sea or just going in circles. Without a map it was impossible. But we didn’t have the guts to give up all our chances and settle down, just the three of us, when there could’ve been a place of what world used to be.

The narrow road led us through a small forest. Passing trees and wilderness along the way, we crossed a small bridge that laid across a lake reminding of our apple tree and the intimate moment I shared with Beth. I gazed at her. She had her eyes closed. Every time I looked at her, I felt this amazing change in my feelings, as if I was really excited. Not giving me a chance to enjoy it, the truck’s engine gave up. I saw the fuel monitor’s dreadful warning.

“Oh no…” I said frustrated. “Not this please.”

“Hmm? Why are we stopping?” Asked Beth in a sleepy voice.

“Shit!” I bashed the wheel with my hands.

“Dude what happened?” Ryan asked alarmed, holding his shotgun.

“We are out of gas.” Said I starring out the window, thinking of our next move.

“What do you mean—we had a lot back at the camp.” Said Beth leaning over and checking the monitor herself.

“We’ve been driving for hours, and this thing drinks gas like hell.”

“Where are we?”

“I don’t know—somewhere far.”

“Dude why did you bring us here? I thought we were going to the cities.”

Ignoring that, I tried to think of something. The place was rural and walking with carrying all the baggage not knowing what was out there? It could’ve been our death sentence. Then I noticed something odd in the mirror.

“What the hell is that?” I murmured curiously. Its reflection was a person running towards us far behind.

“What?” Asked Beth.

I got off from the vehicle to get a clear picture. I heard Beth calling my name as I did.

“Trevor get back inside!”

I saw a girl running towards us with all she got. Fear dwelt on her little face. She was about ten years old and her blonde hair and outer shirt flew behind her catching up to the speed she was coming.

“It’s a little girl.” Said I.

“What?” They both go alarmed from the news.

That was when I saw the hell that was with her. Since the road had a bump of a climb, before I couldn’t notice the dozen of walkers that were following her, trying to match her speed. Catch her and rip her guts out.

“Holy shit!” Said Ryan as they both got out of the SUV.

“Trev—we gotta go.” Beth said backing up.

“What?” I asked shocked by her response.

“She’s right man—there’re too many of them.” Said Ryan opening the door.

“There’s no gas you asshole.” Said I.

“Are you kidding me!” Ryan groaned as he slammed the door back.

The girl along with the walkers were closing into our position. With no gas, we had to leave it with all our resources and make a run for it. The walkers were fast. Only way I saw was to kill them before they kill us, eventually.

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