First Impressions ✔

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M I L E S... P O V

Thank god it's Saturday, a day off from the office, and I'm at my condo in my gym, working out. Trying to burn off my rage, pushing myself more than normal. I liked the way my father says he'd already met her, and he likes her. So if he likes her that much, maybe he should marry her? 

I've no idea why I keep going over what had occurred. Can't get out of it, no matter what I do? Draw in a deep breath, and sip my water from the bottle, then head towards the bathroom for a shower. Dress in black jeans, blue shirt, slip my trainers on. Head into town to meet the guys.

It's lunchtime, when I met the guys in the cafe we use during the week. When I was in there yesterday to get my coffee, I noticed the girl that served me seemed to have a bad day. When I asked her, she smiled and said yep? She's never been one to talk; it's always been small talk. I've been going to the cafe for six months.


Stepped into the cafe, to notice my mates are already sitting at a table. Stride up to the counter and glance at the young girl. She's got her black hair in a ponytail; she's not wearing makeup, not that she needs it, and she's sexy in a short black skirt and white shirt. 

She's pretty, with a body that I've admired for the last six months. If I'm honest, I fantasied about her, but she appears too young for me. She's about sixteen or seventeen. "Do you want your usual?" She asks with a smile. 

Hearing my mates laughing turned to glance at them. Yep, they're watching me make a fool of myself. Even some of my friends have said she's a catch, and they would ask her out if she was older.

"Yes, please," I answered with a smile. I would like to have a conversation with her just to find out her name. She passes me my coffee, and I step over to the table where my mates are sitting, and take a seat. Glanced back over to the counter, she's flipping through a magazine smiling. It's a smile of an angel, it just lit the entire cafe up.

"Miles, ask her out?" Tyrone utters, and peers over at the girl.

"She seems too young. Plus, I'm getting married. Have you already forgotten? I swear you never fucking listen to me." Glancing over my shoulder at her, she smiles at me. I smile back. I wish I could ask her out, but it wouldn't be fair to her.


K I A... P O V

Why did he have to stroll in? He's hot, he always appears different when he is out of his suit, and in good shape. He's been coming in here for the last six months, and I've worked here for eight months. 

Wandered around the cafe to collect empty dirty cups and the odd plate. Wipe the tables down. The group of guys are chatting among themselves. They're polite whenever they come in, so they're not total spoilt rich wankers. 

Stepped over to their table to collect the empty cups. They all smile at me. One guy smiles at me and whispers to his friend, the one that always comes in for his coffee. Smiling at all of them, I strolled back towards the kitchen with the empty cups. 

My shift is finishing, cleaned up, and headed out the back, picked up my bag, said bye to the manager. Handed the keys to the evening shift workers. Sauntered towards the door when one of the guys stepped up to me and asked if I wanted to join them. 

Glancing at his friends sitting around the table, they're all watching him. "Sorry, but I'm busy," I tell him. I've got a meeting with the wedding planner from hell. This woman is persistent, pushy, went straight back and divulged to the guy I'm intended to marry. His father contacted me? 

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