Tricks ✔

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M I L E S   P O V

Surprised when Kia kissed my cheek. When she said she is going back to Uni, my entire body felt her happiness in her voice. Walked back to the cabin the guys are getting ready to go on the jet skis I joined them. 

We change into shorts t-shirts. "Kia, are you coming?" I asked her. She is sitting on the sofa reading her book.

"Not a chance. I will sit and gladly watch you or read my book." She responds.

"I only asked." Roll my eyes.

"I know what you got planned." She rants. She is going to start again. The guys walk past us to the front door, smirking.

"Kia, just read your book." Filled with annoyance, follow the guys. Get the jet skis from the hut. Rolled them down to the lake sit on them ready to have some fun. 

Kia walks out sits by the edge of the lake, in jeans and a T-shirt, bare feet. "You sure you don't want to come?" Asking her again she glances towards me. Start the engine.

"You only want me to come so you can kill me off," She says. I start revving the jet ski to drown out her mouth.

"Can't hear you," I shout pointing to my ear we take off.


K I A  P O V

Watching them on the lake mucking around racing each other. See a few more join them looked like girls. They seem to be enjoying themselves. Carried on reading for a while then walked back to the cabin cleaned up the kitchen. 

Did the dishes make sure the kitchen is spotless? Feeling sick again, hate feeling this way. Thought about going for a walk. Made my mind up got a bottle of water slipped my trainers on went for a walk. 

Could see Miles racing a girl so is Tyrone. Thought it was funny asking Miles if he had been gay. When he said he had slept with a few women. He's had girlfriends I felt embarrassed for asking him. Could still hear them having fun the girls screaming. 

Find a rock to sit on look up through the trees close my eyes to listen to the birds. Hearing cracking of twigs, glance to the direction of the noise to see wild deer's. The only other time I had seen a deer was dead at the side of the road. 

Watched how they are eating the bark from a tree. This place is most definitely peaceful beautiful. Well, it would be if the fucking morons were not on jet skis on the lake. Made my way back to the cabin. Could hear the guys talking plus girls voices shake my head.


M I L E S  P O V

Could you imagine my horror when the girls turned up on their jet skis? Yep, the guys and I do know them we went out with them. It was a summer fling at first that started three years ago. They just happen to be at the lake at the same time as us again. 

We raced around the lake having fun. Did come past the cabin a few times to see Kia, but she had gone. Take my life vest off sit with the guys the girls join us. They are the same age us. 

Angelica, Felicity, Iris and Cynthia. Watched Kia walk into the cabin. Walked up to see how she is. Entered the door noticed the kitchen is spotless Kia had just gone upstairs. "Do you want to come sit with us?" I shout up the stairs.

"I will be down in a minute." She shouts back to me. Grabbed a bottle of water waited for her to come down. Heard her on the stairs, walked towards her. When my eyes see her they almost popped out. 

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