» Episode 003

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"Let's play this first, Jugyeong."

You pulled her to the ball tossing booth and smile over at her. "Know how to play this? It's simple. Throw these balls. The farther you're able to throw and hit the targets, the better the prize you can have."

Jugyeong seemed amazed. "Wow, that's cool. Can I try?" You giggle a bit and paid the person before grabbing one ball and handing it to her. "Yeah, Of course. Give it a go!"

Jugyeong grabs the ball and aims at the target in front of her and throws, and fortunately, her skills were as good as her makeup styling. "Not bad, Jugyeong!"

Jugyeong smiles brightly. "This is kinda fun! Can I try again? Can you help me this time?"

You smiled and nodded and made her grab the ball before wrapping your arms around her gently, hand over hers and leaned against her.

You pressed her body close to yours and turned her a bit so the position was just right and pulled her hand back just a bit to get the right power, you made her let go of the ball once throwing it and it hit a further target.

The girls cheered and high-fived each other with a laugh. "Good job, Jugyeong!" Said Female just grins. "Thank you!"

In this time, the two boys had made their way over and were watching the scene. "Wow, good job! You were able to hit a close object in front of you!" Seojun sarcastically spoke as he applauded her.

Jugyeong rolled her eyes and huffed. "Alright, hotshot, why don't you give it a try?" She handed another ball to Seojun who just scoffs and takes it. "Of course. Let me go for the farther one, which requires skill."

You were clearly amused by this going on and was actually curious on how well Seojun would do.

"Well, ima go get a snack, because I can only assume that you'll fail." Jugyeong joked as she headed off and waved, whispering to you to tell her what happened later.

"I'll join you." Suho says and waved to the two before following after Jugyeong to a snack stand to get funnel cakes since she wanted to try it.

After being distracted, Seojun got into position, careful not to go over the line before throwing the ball.


Unfortunately, the loud noise of cans didn't come from the booth. Rather, it came from a group of kids crushing their sodas nearby and all tossing it away in unison.

You glanced to the cans Seojun said he was gonna hit and saw them clearly stable and the ball nowhere to be found.

The three of you were silent while Seojun was just staring at the cans, as if he was frozen.

Then, you let out a snort and a laugh erupted from your lips. "Haha, All that talk but no delivery!" You continued to laugh as Seojun felt heat rushing to his cheeks from embarrassment.

"Oh shut it! It was probably the wind that blew the ball away. I wasn't ready!" You scoffed slightly and let out another little laugh, handing the last ball.

"Alrighty then, Mister. Let's see if you can prove yourself, or was it really a fluke after all?" You smirked slightly.

Seojun playfully rolled his eyes, despite the small smile on his face. "Whatever. I'll prove to you that it I was just messing around, and I'll really get it."

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