» Episode 005

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"What do you wanna eat, Jugyeong?"

Your bright smile gleamed as you turn to Jugyeong and held her arm, her doing the same to you. "I wanted funnel cakes but now..I don't know..maybe something with meat?"

You giggle at her cuteness and look around the booths. "Maybe some steamed pork buns?" You suggested and Jugyeong awes. "Definitely!"

You smile and walk with her towards the booth, Suho following behind with Seojun lagging after the three of them. He held the animals close to his chest and walked up beside Suho.

Meanwhile, over in the corner was an young sadistic perverted guy, dressed a bit conspicuously.

'She's kinda cute..'

The male eyes the female, a predator on his prey and waited for the right time to strike.

You glance back to Seojun and Suho, Jugyeong still right by your side. "What type of steamed buns do you want, Suho?" You ask, and Suho tilts his head. "I guess a red bean paste bun is alright with me."

Seojun nods. "I'll take that too." You stuck your tongue at him, making him narrow his eyes. "I wasn't asking you!"

You then turn to Jugyeong and smile. "What about you, Jugyeong? What do you wanna eat?" You hum and Jugyeong smiles. "A pork bun!"

"Okay! Why don't you guys find a place to sit and I'll order for us?" You smile and went in line, making the others nod and walk around together to find a good spot.

Jugyeong went towards the table they have found, it being pretty clean and decent and took a seat, seeing Seojun looking around.

"Hey, Jugyeong, hold these for me. And make sure Y/n doesn't get them."

"I'm going to the bathroom." Suho stands up and Seojun clicks his tongue. "You jerk, I was gonna go!" He says and looks to Jugyeong. "Fine, hurry up so I can go. One of us has to stay with her."

Jugyeong realizes the situation and looks up at them. "No, both of you go ahead. I'll be fine! Besides, Y/n's almost done."

The boys were clearly concerned for the female as they gave a small sigh and nod. "Don't hesitate to scream and run, okay? We'll be back quick." Seojun and Suho tells her before leaving to the bathroom together.

Jugyeong only smiles at them, her cheeks a bit pink from their worried attention to her as she hugged the animals.


The creepy man from earlier decides to head towards Jugyeong and licks his lips pervertedly.

"Hey, you seem like a tasty treat to have~"

Before Jugyeong could turn around, her body was pulled up roughly by the male, who gripped her wrist and had an arm around her waist and her arm, keeping it still.

The animals fell to the ground and the chair was knocked back, creating a scene.

"H-hey, let go of me!" Jugyeong yells, struggling a bit.

Suho and Seojun had left for the bathroom and everyone else was watching as bystanders.

Meanwhile, you were still getting the food.

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