» Episode 008

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» to all the Asians out there, don't lose hope! This stupid virus will go away soon and us Asians will not be discriminated anymore. Just pull through!

And everyone who has shit against Asians because of this virus, quit being fucking xenophobic and get the hell out.

» also apparently a lot of people like Seojun more.
Unfortunately, that's next, next episode.. 😅

» uhm......... you COULD say this is a date.


You, Seojun and Suho got up with your things and waved to Jugyeong, before heading out of the classroom and leaving the university. Luckily, you had brought a mask with you and placed it on as you left.

Once off the property of the university, you let out a sigh and glanced to the two boys beside you. "So why do you guys leave early instead of staying?" You asked and Suho answered for you. "We don't need to. We already learned most of the lessons and we also have our own personal errands to do."

You nod in understanding and glanced to Seojun. "Like you with modeling?" Seojun nods at your assumption that was correct and continued to walk.

"Anyways, speaking of which, I should head home and give my sister her bag before heading off." Seojun gave a smile to you.

"Thanks again for this. I'll be sure to send you her measurements." Seojun says as he began to head the other direction and waved to you both. "No problem, I'd love to meet her one day. See you later." You waved back and glanced to Suho as Seojun walked off.

"Bye Seojun!"


"What about you? What are you gonna do now?"

Suho checked the time on his watch as he continued to walk down the street and spoke. "I usually wait for Jugyeong to finish with her classes and then we go out to eat or hangout."

"Oh but today, Jugyeong told me she has to help her sister with something when she's done." You recall, thinking back to your conversation with Jugyeong last night.

"Is that so? I guess I'll just head home then." You were surprised how quickly his mood changed and you were also a little offended. "Hey, I'm free, you know. Im not as close to you as Jugyeong, but we can still try to be." You huff.

Suho was startled by your offended expression and quickly spoke up to defend himself. "S-Sorry, I assumed you would be sticking with Jugyeong to help her as well. We can do something.."

Suho rubbed the back of his neck and looked around. "Well, what do you wanna do?" He asks and You glance down at the ground as you walked through the path and hummed.

"I don't know really. I haven't been to Korea in a while so many things could have changed. Hm, I know that the live action of a famous comic series has finally came out in Korean theaters, so we can watch that."

Suho's eyes seemed to have widened at your words. "You mean the comic series, 'Midnight Mysteries'? Otherwise known as, 'Detectives in the Night' in America."

You grin brightly hearing him. "Yeah that! Have you read the series?" Suho smiles and nods. "I've read the series at least three times. It's such an amazing comic. I can't believe the live-action is out."

"You wanna watch it? It came out in theaters a couple days ago so we won't be able to watch it premiere, but that just means it won't be as crowded since most have already seen it."

Suho nods and began to pull out his phone and looked up nearby theaters and there times while you looked around as you two walked.

"If we take a cab, we'll make it in time for the next film that starts at 1:30." He says and you smile.

"You wanna watch it at night instead? Mystery movies are more exciting to watch when it's dark out."

Suho seemed to like the idea as he checked the time. "Well, what should we do until then?" He asks and you hum in thought. "Well, the movie's about two hours long right? What's the times for the film after.. 6:30?"

Suho glance to his phone once more and spoke. "There's one at exactly seven, if that's okay? I'll go ahead and book our tickets online then." He questions, wanting to confirm it.

"Yeah, that's great. In the meantime, why don't we go out to eat? My treat."


"You wanna eat here?" Your jaw dropped at how expensive the place seemed, because it clearly was. Chandeliers above many of the ceilings, women wearing fancy gowns and the men all in high-end expensive formal wear.

"Is that okay?" Suho asks softly, noticing your gaping expression. You quickly closed your jaw and cleared your throat. "I mean, I don't even think I belong to a place like this.." Sure, your wallet could possibly afford it, but it seemed way too expensive and fancy for you.

"Non-sense, you look great. The food here is amazing, so I thought you should try it, since you haven't been to korea and all."

"Uhm.." you were just speechless, unsure of what to say when a waiter suddenly came up. "Oh, Mr. Lee. Welcome back, once again. I see you brought your lady-friend. Well, I'll get you two seated right away! If you would follow me."

Suho glanced to you as he walked ahead a bit. "What are you waiting for?" He reaches down and grabbed your hand, pulling you along the hallway after the waiter and eventually made it to a booth to sit in.

Suho thanked the waiter and took the menus from his hands and handed one to you while sliding into the booth. You felt a bit uncomfortable to say the least but tried to enjoy your time as you glanced through the menu.

You purposely ignored the prices so you wouldn't worry too much about it and freak out about the money, because you knew you might just run out of the restaurant if you did.

"What are you eating?" Suho asks as he glanced up from the menu to you, who seem to be sweating a bit but instantly relaxed yourself at his voice.

"Huh? O-Oh, I'm just gonna eat the chicken Alfredo pasta." You say, trying to convince yourself that you could afford all of this. "What about you?"

"I might get the soy-bean steak with green beans and mashed potatoes as a side." He says and you furrowed your brows, looking for it.

You then saw it near the end and nearly had a heart attack once your eyes wandered over to the price.

'4-40,000 WON?!'

"Is something wrong?" Suho asks, seeing your face and closed the menu, getting a bit worried.

"Not at all.." you assured, deadpanning at the thought of the card being maxed out once this meal was over.

'I'm gonna have to sell many more of my clothes if I wanna gain it all back..'

You mentally cried and frowned internally with a pout.

'Why me?'


» he might be a bit ooc. Sorry..

Uhmmm Q & A? Quarantine Style! :DD
Let me know what questions you haveee.

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