» Episode 014

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"Looks like we're here already.."

You stop in front of the house, as did Taewoo as his feet slowed down and he stopped his tracks behind your figure.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, and I enjoyed listening to you. I'm glad I got to know you better." Taewoo's angelic kind smile was almost shining in the moonlight, which nearly made your knees wobble.

'Why didnt I notice before?..he's fucking pretty..'

Taewoo was indeed handsome, like he could be an actual model or even an idol. His voice wasn't too deep but it wasn't too high. It was just perfect. He was just intoxicatingly attractive, with a brilliant intelligence too, with his stories told about his academics.

"N-no, the pleasure is mine. Thank you." You reach for the bags in his hands and he gently handed it over to you, your fingers touching with his and you literally felt sparks running through your body within his touch.

"I'll take these inside. Thank you for walking with me, Taewoo. I hope to see you again soon." You gave him a soft smile and he just smiles back and nods, waving to you as he watched you unlock the door to Jugyeong's house and go in, giving him one last smile before closing the front door.

Taewoo stood there for a brief moment before his smile dropped and he let out a quiet chuckle.

He then put his hands in his pockets and began walking away, but gave one last look to Jugyeong's room before turning back to the ground and walking off.

"Jugyeong, I'm home."

Like a puppy without its owner, said female came running out of her room and started her fake sobs again. "Y/n! You took forever to come home! I thought I'd lost you..... what are in the bags?"

"Snacks. I stopped by the convenience store earlier to get some things for everyone, but uh—"

"Ah, Y/n, is that beef jerky, I smell?" Juyoung gasps as he turned his head through the corner and peeked into the kitchen from the living room. He then began running out and Heegyeong followed soon after.

"Yeah, I got everyone snacks and some beer for Heegyeong." You repeated, smiling as you carefully set the bags onto the ground and Juyoung began digging through.

Heegyeong walks over calmly and noticed the variety of snacks and her brows began to furrow as she gave a disheartened and surprised look. "This is a lot, and it sure looks expensive.. just how much did you spend?"

This question made Juyoung and Jugyeong stop their shuffling through the bags and look up at you. You just gave a sheepish smile and waved it off. "Don't worry about the price. Just enjoy the snacks."

Unfortunately, you had forgotten to throw out the receipt, so when Jugyeong was scrummaging through the bags, she came across it and her eyes widened itself out of their sockets. "Woah, how did you afford this?!"

Heegyeong saw the receipt in her hands and took it from her and gasped. "100,000 won for snacks and beer at a convenience store? And there's no way you carried these home by yourself."

You let out a heavy exhale and took the receipt from her hands and crushed it up. "I already said don't worry. I got these for you as gratitude for taking me in and being so nice to me. So just take your pick and head off."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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