» Episode 010

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» drink water, don't fuck around, wash your hands, cover your face when you're sick and don't die.
I don't want people dying on me. ☹️🥺

» so I read Lost in Translation.. I don't know how I feel. I'm angry, sad and I'm in a bag of mixed emotions.

» Hmm, so does it seem like it's rushing? I've been staying up to do this stuff lol

» also, Jumin Han is best in mystic messenger, change my mind. He can fucking run me over with a car.

Also, anyone else here a D1AMOND? 😍 💕 🥰
Mostly talking to viets here, haha. Considering D1VERSE is a Viet group under a korean company. But all are always welcome! lol

And finally, what are you guys doing for Mother's Day? I created something that I hope my mother will like but.. it's really bad 😅 idk if you guys would wanna see it but— I recommend you don't lol


» With Seojun...

Seojun entered his house after having arrived and saw his sister home early and waved, before holding up the bag and walked over to her with a smile.

"Guess what I have?" He hums and Gowoon glances up to her brother, and then shrugged. "Some new lip tints? Did you skip school and go shopping instead?" She asks as she glanced up from the tv.

"No." Seojun deadpanned at his younger sister before tossing the bag beside her. "It's some of your favorite person's clothing designs she offered for you to try. She wants photos, so try them on and take some and send it to me."

Gowoon raised a brow, clearly skeptical before she glanced through the bag and found a floral blouse and looked at the tag and widened her eyes, gasping. "No way, you actually met Y/n?!"

Seojun just chuckles softly and nods. "Of course, I already said I did!" He says and pulled out his phone to look at the photo the two of you had taken earlier. He held it up and showed it to her.

Gowoon gasps once more and squeals. "Oh my god, I can't believe you actually met her! Can I have an autograph?" She asks eagerly and excitedly, a light shining in her eyes.

She then examined the photo closely and saw the closeness of her brother and her idol. "Are you guys dating??"

Seojun had grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and took a sip, but instantly spat out the liquid when he heard his sister's sudden exclaim.

"What?! I just met her!" Gowoon raised a brow at her brother's reaction but just focused her attention on the clothes. "God, these look so amazing! I really wish I can meet her.." she mumbled. "Ahh, you're so lucky!"

Seojun just smiles a bit at her before rolling his eyes. "What's so special about her?" He asked her this before but now that he actually met her, he was curious to hear.

"Y/n is such an inspiration for young women seeking a successful career and she is just an absolute goddess, not letting anyone hurt her physically or mentally. She's such a strong soul, honestly."

Gowoon was too excited, gushing over the cute outfits in the bag to noticed her elder brother giving her a raised eyebrow before he then walked over with his water. "You really want to meet her?"

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