The meeting

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Downtown is busy especially during lunch time; everyone is hustling by grabbing something quick to eat. Around the corner shoppers attending the winter farmers market and the streets are full of people.

Crystal notices a small Abba café with a strong smell of coffee beans and delicious bake goods being displaying in the front window of the store. She enters the coffee shop as the scent of grounded beans and chocolate catches her attention. Crystal is unsure what to do and she accidentally bumps into a customer.

"Please excuse me and forgive me for my impoliteness..." The customer minds her own business and doesn't respond to her. "...well...I guess...formality isn't important for this place."

Checking store's surroundings and making her way to the corner of the shop. Quietly she avoids any eye contact with the people and is not sure why she chosen this café to spend what is left of her free time. The atmosphere is quite different from being with Butler, maids, and most of the Grand Maestro. From birth everyone is always re-correcting her actions, her manors, her attire and what little details they can nitpick.

Crystal is push back into standing in the corner of the room there is a faint and familiar sound. "Is that is energetic and lively."

Curious where the sound is coming from, the stairway catches her eye so heading down below to find a small room with a center stage. It looks like a personal concert with some chairs and small tables. In the corner of the room is a band about to performance, each member is warming up their instruments and checking the sound equipment.

What catches her eye is someone who is quietly humming a tone and wearing large earphones which are connect to an Ipod. With a pencil in his hand he is constantly checking a pile of music score and counting the beats. The musician then takes off the headphones and Crystal notices three piecing on his right ear.

"Mistress! I found you, come now!"

Butler has startles Crystal and then holds on to her shoulders while leading her out of the building. "If we leave now, we may be able to make it through traffic. Come along!"

The end of the day is quickly approaching as the car pulls to the Autumn Banquet Hall. Crystal enters into the main hall to find the director however there is sound equipment and tangle wires covering the floor. After watching her steps making it safely towards the back wall where her personal belongings are set then she hears a distress voice.

"What do you mean we are not book?"

"Tha-that's because Cadence ...we have conflicting schedule and someone has book this entire building."

Frustrated Jake Cadence throws his hands up in the air. "Are you joking? That person needs this entire place? Do you know how many months I had to wait to reverse?"

"I'm sorry." The Hall Director tries to plead with the young man. "There's nothing more I can do...Grand Maestro has order me to not have any other activities taken the same time as his party."

Jake has no fear over this person who is known as the Grand Maestro and his authority so he freely speaks his mind over the matter.

"I don't give a damn about it...if he is kicking me out of the building then I will personally place a concert outside of this building."

"Mr. Cadence! That is not a wise choice to do!"

Jake walks away and isn't in a mood listening to the Hall Director then he sees Crystal holding a small violin.

Crystal avoids any eye contact with him while he doesn't pay much attention to her. She braces herself as he heads in her direction. While she lifts her head and sees three piecing on his ear.

"Could he be the same person from the café..."

For some odd reason, deep down she had a strong desire to help him but is unsure how too. Just the thought of speaking up made her palms sweaty as she tightly grips onto her violin in order to find the strength from within to say a word.

From her trembling lips, she is able to mutters something. "" However no one hears her as she takes a deep breath and decides to try again.

"...w-wait...can you please wait..."

She raises her voice louder than usual and then catches everyone's attention. From there her eyes are driven away from their glare. There is a knot feeling in her stomach, her voice is creaking, and then there is a cool sweat from the backside of her neck.

Crystal takes a deep breath in order to calm her nervous. At last, she is able to softly speak in a gentle tone.

"T-there...there must be some other way to have Mr. Cadence perform."

The Hall Director approaches the Mistress as he protests. "But, Mistress, you must understand this is your recital and you're the main attraction of the Grand Maestro's banquet."

"Mr. Cadence is a musician who has spent his entire life devoted to music. Please reconsider his request."

" I...please don't put me in awkward situation..."

"...well, is it possible for him to have an outdoor concert? The villa outside is still a part of the property...correct?"

"An outdoor concert?" The Hall Director is baffle, but having the interest within the public eye will be great for the building. "If you insist and give me permission but what about Grand Maestro's..."

Crystal urges with the idea and continues to change the Director's mind. "Just think of the garden festival lights and the ice sculpture...what great attraction and publicity you could give this place."

"Ah, yes, that is true...well...the land surrounding this area was personally selected by the city voters to be use for the upcoming Winter festival. Alright, I will put in a word for Grand Maestro, explaining that Mr. Cadence's concert is a part of the Winter's Carnival."

There is a sign of relieve on her face as both parties are able to benefit from this outcome.

Crystal turns to the other party and asks. "Mr. Cadence does this arrangement please you?"

The once restless man is now baffle how things have turned out and wonders why would a stranger will do so much for his gig yet, he wasn't able to keep up with the conversation between the two.

"...I g-guess long as my band can play where ever...without any trouble..."

Crystal is satisfied with the outcome then speaks. "Sounds like we have reach agreement however..." She faces the Hall Director and makes the deal official. "Please allow Mr. Cadence and his team members to practice within the halls until the day before the  schedule date."

After the talk, the Hall Director seems there is no harm to have Mr. Cadence band practice indoors until the day of the concert. From the back of the room, Butler appears and sees Crystal who has not set up her practice station.

"Mistress, please remember to not walk away from me. We cannot afford to lose time on this very important date."

"Ah, please do forgive me for my rudeness but I must take my leave. For now I must bid you all farewell."

Crystal and the Hall Director leave the room as Jake and his teammate are finally alone. One by one the members approach him and then each one briefly exchanges some words with him.

"So is it official? Are we booked for an outdoor concert?"

 From the seats Jake's band mates approach him as Drummer asks for confirmation from their leader.


Jake said while rubbing the side of his head while he is experiencing lack of sleep. Since 5am he has been up working at his job then rush to a live street performance. Then rush over to meet the Hall Director.

He looks over to his members and knows having a rough day shouldn't be an excuse for almost losing his temper. Jake is quite prideful and hates to admit his faults but when it comes to his leadership for the band, Jake does his best to support his team through this challenge time. The band mates believe him and trust him so Jake understands the well being of the band is more than his poor attitude.

"I am sorry for almost blowing the deal. We have to do what we make our fans happy. If this outdoor concert will attract more audience then let's use it!"


Bass Guitarist exclaims with such a tease after all, his role within the group is known to be a joker especially towards their leader.

"We must remember this fine day! Jake never apologize!"

"...shut it...don't push your luck...alright, enough of this moping around...let's get to work!"

After reassuring his group, place the instruments and discuss about what kind of musical piece the group should perform, how to broadcast the event, and so on.Some hours later, the band members leave for their late night shift while others head home so Jake arranges the song and then practices alone on his guitar.

Then in his pocket is buzzing sound coming from his cell phone. He slides it out of his jacket to shut off the alarm giving a warning of the time.

"The building closes in an hours...I guess it is time to go...I still have to commute home then got to pick up dinner too..."

He seals his guitar away and shuts off the light off in the room. Jake is about a step away from entering out of the building however, in the back of his mind,he faintly remembers Crystal how helped him earlier today.

"She is a strange one...and overly polite too..."

However the young man remembers her soft and gentle as if she had to force herself to utter a sound from her voice. Somehow Jake couldn't help but chuckled when he thought of her.

"I wonder...if she is still here...heh...what's the chance of running into her..."

Jake is about to turned the corner but there is a faintly and soft melody playing off in the back hallway. He grows curious plus wants to inspect more so Jake redirects his attention into the other room.

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