Innocent conversation

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Meanwhile, Crystal takes a box of rosin dust and applies it greatly onto the bow. The bow is coated well and then taps the bow lightly on the stand to have the extra powder loose. Once set the bow is place onto the strings as the small instrument is able to pull off a calm tone.

As the song speeds up her rhythm and bow begins striking down as her fingers dances among the strings. Crystal's stage presence is very distinguished and she knows how to operative the stage as well.

After a great night of performing; she puts the violin back into its case. Then someone focus down the violin case startling her. The sudden movement surprises her to find someone who she least expected to meet.

"Mr. Cadence?"

Jake is out of breath as if he ran all the way down the hall just to see her. From his glistening forehead are noticeable sweats as some roll down the side of his face. His guitar strip is nearly slipping handing off his shoulder whereas if meeting her was so important which he should have place his instrument somewhere safe.

"Are you an idiot? The place is about to close shouldn't push yourself too much!"

Jake blurts whatever was on his mind and his husky tone sound much harsher than it should have. After all, he isn't great using his words especially when he sees her close up somewhat made him feel awkward.

Crystal blankly and calmly responds to his overacting then she pulls out a key showing him there is no concern for her.

"There is no need to worry because the Hall Director gave me a personal key."

"A-are you going to practicing all night?"

"Why there a problem? If you wish to practice late, you may stay in this hall with me. I will not be distracted with you here at all."

Jake sighs then divert his attention to the stage piano while he speaks. "Why don't you take a rest..."

There he pushes down random notes, the note echoes throughout the room. Jake clears his throat and is uneasy starting a conversation with her so he walks over to a cello and strums some notes trying to ease his mind.

"...since...we are both here...w-why...I mean...earlier during the afternoon...why did you..."

Jake is beating around the bush while she waits patiently for him to finish his trail of thought however even she is having a difficult time understanding what he wants to say.

"Oh, now I understand!" Crystal jumps into her own conclusion. "Mr. Cadence, you do not have to thank me."

At last the speed of the conversation is going somewhere to his relieve still there was something she said which catches his attention.

"Mr. Cadence? Don't call me that. You make it sound like I'm old or something."

Crystal gasps then she covers her mouth with one of hand then she utters something under her breath.

"Oh, is that so? All right then, Mr. Jake, it was my pleasure to assist you."

She did it once again as Jake isn't use to formality and wants Crystal to be at ease whenever they are speaking to each other.

"Wait, did you just call me...'Mister'?"

"Ah, yes...why? If you prefer to be address as something else, please do let me know as I can correct myself."

"You don't have to be so speak casual...I mean...look, you don't have to stress over something like that. Anyway, I just want to thank you for allowing my band members to have a second chance to perform."

"I completely understand. Please, there is no need to worry about the small trivial details. I am sure Grand Maestro simultaneously reservations for this building to be the same time as the Winter Jubilee. He is a man of taking using the most opportunity to gain for his own interest you could say..."

Crystal catches herself from speaking too ill of Grand Maestro yet she didn't understand how comfortable she was speaking to Jake.

"Oh, I deeply apologize, I said too much in my place. Please excuse me; I might have over stayed my time here."

She quickly packs her violin into a protect case and makes haste to the hall to meet with Butler. Her pace slows down then she stands straight with her back facing him. Crystal finds the courage to utter something to him.

" you would like you...I would enjoy having your company tomorrow night...if you are available..."

Crystal becomes embarrassed that was the first time she had the nerve to ask for something that she wanted. Deep inside she does fears for his rejection but waits for answer. Jake's silence answer is more than enough as she takes his hint. Therefore, her body posture starts to slouch and her shoulders droop making her smaller than she is.

He guessed that was her way of asking him to visit her so at last he utters a respond under his breath.


Then the sound of his voice brings a sense of warm, assures and makes her heart skip a beat. She gasps as her posture becomes lively whereas a genuine smile appears on her face.

"You will? I look forward seeing you tomorrow night."

It work, her invitation to see him tomorrow night, she leaves the building in high spirit. To Crystal his simple answer doesn't mean a yes or a complete no, it brings her hope. Still what is strange is how the two just met; however, being with him she is at ease and feels as if she can share anything to him.

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