Child-like jealousy

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After the late night, morning has arrived as Jake is too exhausted from last night. The sunlight is shining through the window and blinding him in the eyes. He rubs his eyes and struggles to get up so he fumbles the ground feeling for this Iphone.

The screen light motivates him to stand up as his eyes are still adjusting to his surroundings. Jake yawns and scratches his stomach then heads for the bathroom. On his way to the hallway he sees his bedroom door open as he glances over into the bed. The bed is made and there is no sign of Crystal. Then he checks the front door for her shoes but finds them gone.

"She left...that girl..."

Later in the afternoon, Jake searches for Crystal then hears the notable sound of the violin practicing in the banquet hall. Making his way to the room but his follow mates are not far behind while they have been quietly creeping.

After the song ends, there is a belief silence in the concert hall then Crystal hears somebody giving her applause. The sound echoes as she turns around only finding Jake and his band mates.

"You play very well!" Jake said but she turns away giving him a cold shoulder. He didn't understand why Crystal was acting like a stranger.


A deep voice calls her from back and hallow tone startles the band because it is usually Crystal practicing alone. It is a man, he is tall and thin, with light blonde hair with dull dark blue eyes, and his presence send chills down Jake's spine for an odd reason. He is known as 'Grand Maestro', next he steps on to the stage with his arms cross and tapping his finger.

"Crystal, explain...what in the world was I listening too? That cannot be your need to play better! I will not allow let you perform this awful piece for the banquet. My representation is on the line."

The members didn't like how he talked to Crystal then each one step in and defend her as the first to speak is Bass Guitarist.

"What do you mean she's not good enough? That piece alone is quite difficult..."

Grand Maestro wasn't pleased to be lecture by injudicious boys. From there he knocks off the inferior's hand off his shoulder then swipes away any ailments.

"Is that so? What do you know about classical and refine music?"

There something amiss about him, it is his eyes, such a strong glare which made each member take a step back and shiver with fear into a bottomless pit. Grand Maestro scoffs at the laughable young boys as he believes it will be a waste of time dealing with the difference in class.

He bluntly said. "Do not address me so lightly...officially; it seems like you do not know who you are talking too?"

After dealing with the group next he redirects his attention towards Crystal who is preparing herself for a lecture.

"And I have not forgotten about you...Crystal, you need to sharpen your skills and not let these simple girlish distractions take you away from your work. You must remember if you can't put over 100% then what kind of violinist are you."

He finally takes his leaves off stage meanwhile everyone is surprised by his bitter words. Jake faces Crystal and he sees her hands grasping onto the violin and she trembles in fears.


Jake wants to say something comforting to her yet, he stumbles over his words so Bass Guitarist interrupts and ruins the moment for the couple.


He said while taking the opportunity away from Jake who was too slow to handle the delicate situation.

"...that man...didn't have to go that far and say such horrible things towards you..."

Then he places his hand on to her shoulder hoping to comfort her as he ask the distress young woman.

"Are you okay? You can always talk to us about your problems...and we will do what we can to help us...who was that man?"

Jake is pushed away and lacks affection towards Crystal. This makes him not understanding why he feels uneasy especially how friendly one of his teammate had become for Crystal.

To bury the pain of being useless he faces the other direction from the group and focus on something else.

Crystal is appreciative of how the band is giving her supportive words but her attention is seeking for Jake. Without knowing her knowing why Jake has turned the other cheek she can't understand why he is ignoring her so.

She takes a breath then speaks. "Thank you for your kind words but please forgive him...I mean...Grand Maestro is known for having a boorish attitude."

"Ah, he is known as 'Grand Maestro'?" Bass Guitarist nods his head then becomes confused. "Wait...who is he to you..."

"My F-father..."

"Y-your Pops...that old man is him? Isn't it kind of weird to address a man who is your Father as 'Grand Maestro' he a narcissist?"

The playful joke has everyone laughing however; Crystal isn't enjoying the remark and has her mind wondering about something else but she responds.

"Please do not speak ill of Grand Maestro...because he is correct about my music was not my best."

She faces in Jake's direction and it seems as if he is the only one who isn't comforting her like the others and that bother her.

Deep down Crystal only wants to hear encouraging words from him for some odd reason. The bitterness feeling is eating her up so then Crystal meets him in the middle of the room while he is trying to stay busy.

"Jake..." She said in a soft tone hoping to get his attention for a second. "...earlier this morning...I was able to contact Butler in time as I had no choice but to leave your home in such short notice..."


The one word answer left her feeling confused if he will continue to speak or not. His nonverbal action makes her nervous as she waits patiently for him to complete his trail of thought. Crystal speaks again and wants to understand why he is placing a personal wall against her.


From the backroom Grand Maestro is impatiently waiting for his daughter so in his husky voice calling her name.

"Crystal! Hurry up! Do not waste my time..."

She faces in the direction of Grand Maestro and is torn from Jack who is acting like a jealous school boy and is ignoring her without a good reason. From there, Crystal takes a final look at him, testing if he'll say something. She gently places her hand on his shoulder.

Jake quickly shrugs his shoulder away from her gesture and she didn't understand why his lack of comfort and his carelessness really distresses her. From his lack of respond, she gives up, turns around to face the other band members.

"Forgive me and please excuse me. I have to go now, but thank you, thank you for inviting me to your show and it was so much fun!"

Her smile looks so sad then she faces in Jake's direction once more hoping he will say something but is rejected again. The nonverbal and ignore tells her about his feelings, therefore she makes with her peace.

"...well, I must leave now...everyone...Jake...good bye..."

The shakiness and softness of her breaking voice is enough hinting the teammates that she seems to be heartbroken due to Jake's lack of emotional.

"...why...does it seem like...when Crystal said good bye...sounds like...she will never see us again..." Drummer asks as he wonders why but turns his head towards Jake. "...explain yourself!"

"What?" At last Jake has finally uttered a word. "Why are you blaming me?"

" lack in the romantic department..."

Now the focus is back onto Crystal and Grand Maestro who are on their way to the second level where the concert banquet is currently being hosted. The elevator ride is quiet just like how the Grand Maestro enjoys it to be but something about those boys is getting under his skin. He must put an end to the any relationship she had with them.

Grand Maestro clears his throat then speaks. "Crystal, I do not want you to be seen with those boys. For now on, I forbid you to socialize with them."


He continues. "...not a word about those vulgar boys."

"...y-yes...I understand..."

"Good, now that's the daughter that I raised to be. Now, come along, we have much important work to do."

Back to the Jake's crew who are heading back to their practice room while the rest of the gang is going on their day. Their leader seems to be off while he keeps fussing with the ready set sound equipment.

Within Jake's hands, the wires are becoming more knotted due to his careless attention. Obvious he is trouble about what happened earlier and keeping quiet about his frustration onto himself.

Drummer takes step forward and sees Jake is fixing some tangle wires. "Jake, I have one thing to say to you." He places his hand onto Jake's shoulder. "That was harsh man...Crystal wanted your words and you to comfort her..."

"Are you joking me...if you're so worry...why don't you go and say something sweet to her."
"Oh, Jake, just to let you know...being jealous...isn't cute..."

"Jealous? Cute?" He scoffs at the remark said. "...I'm not acting...I'm...just...irritated..."

Bass Guitarist takes the opportunity to mock their leader even more because he loves pushing Jake's buttons.

"...sounds missed your chance of getting laid...which got no game."
Jake hates when his band members get involve with his personal life especially over false or semi correct information.

"Shut up."

Bass Guitarist has provoked Jake but he means well and wants to end the charade that is forming between the two naive couple.

"You have much to learn! the is the girl who picks the guys who she wants to be can tell from the look within her eyes...she only wanted you..."

After having his teammates consulting his emotions he finally gives in. "...ugh...okay-okay...enough with this! I get it...I'll go and make up with get off my back!"

It was easy to get Jake rally up then Bass Guitarist still wanted to have more fun poking at Jake who is now annoyed with him.

"Anyway, I have been pulling this off...I bet you had lots of fun last night playing with her."
Then Drummer laughs and he said. "Well, at last...Jake...are now one of us...welcome to manhood, now tell us the details."

Jake sighs then slightly shoves his group of friends away from him. "What crap are you talking about...look, she didn't have a place to crash."

He walks away with the bundle of wires and roughly drops the pile on top of the tools and gadgets.

The band members all corner him and Jake is helpless to the endless grueling personal questions.

"Really?" Bass Guitarist asks. "What else did you two crash on? Look, our little Jake is growing up, so how was it? Did you use those condoms that I got for your birthday?"

The group is grilling questions after another still Jake losing his nerve with everyone pestering wondering if there was any physical relationship he has with Crystal.

"S-shut up! What happens between Crystal and our business! Besides, the condoms were no use...the package expired."

"Expired? That means you were serious enough to check the dates. Hey don't you live pretty close to that 24 hour grocery store?"

"Why would I go and adventure in the cold for something like that?"

"...heh...still inexperienced...but remember...expired or not just use any form of protection when necessary."

Jake has it with his taunting members digging into his personal business. "Hey! Stop with the open discussion about my sex life! We have work to do!"

He leaves in frustration and his band members couldn't help but laugh. To egg the situation on Bass Guitarist gives him one last push. "Alright but...I have one more thing to say..."

"What is it now?"

Jake wants nothing to do with his teammate never the less, everyone gathers around him because this is a serious and not laughable matter.

"Good luck winning her Father's blessing...I mean...'Grand Maestro'..."

"What blessing?"

Jake is left dumbfound by the remark as if he was too blindly to take a hint. The team has given him their blessing and only wishes good fortune for whatever path the he will take in the future moving forward towards Crystal.

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