Winter quarrel

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After the party is done, everyone heads for another private gathering as Grand Maestro orders Crystal to wait by the door for Butler to come.

At the same time, Jake just happens to be the last member going home until he spots her.

"Crystal, what are you doing here?"

"Grand Maestro...I Father has moved the party somewhere else so I am supposed wait for Butler who is on his way here..."

"Oh...well...I thought it would be fun if we could go and hang out for a while...if you don't mind...I mean....if you wish..."

Crystal sees Jake making effort make amends for what happened earlier. He is embarrass and not sure what to say but seeing him defenses has her smiling.

"Alright..." She said. "...I'll forgive you...however... in return and paying it forward...I would like you to accompany me to the Winter Festival."

Jake couldn't help but laughs at her corny way of asking him out. "Wait a second...are you asking me out on a date?"

"Why...if you prefer accompany yes. Will you accept this date?"

"Well, I guess...let me check if I can squeeze you in my busy schedule."

From this he walks to the door while Crystal thinks Jake had rejected her offer, but in front of her face is a hand.

Jake had extended out his hand towards her, as an invitation to join him for whatever is left of the night to come. "Are you coming?"

She smiles and gratefully takes his hand, it is warm, and Jake pulls her close to him. Her heart is beating so fast as if she can't control it.

The tip of her ears flush then she stares towards the ground not knowing what to do. Jake sees her acting bashful and it makes him quite nervous as well but he takes the first step as the two head out of the door but stops.

"Mistress, forgive me for arriving later..." The voice belongs to Butler who is about to enter through the door until he catches the young couple being quite close. "...oh...was I interrupting something here?"

Crystal nearly forgot he was on his way to pick her up as her body freezes then quickly she releases Jake's hand. She becomes embarrassed while trying to find answer explaining her actions.

" were not doing anything...impure!"

Jake sighs with disappoint then seizes her hand again despite her resisting his clutch. He speaks with confidence and doesn't want to make the situation become worse than it should be.

"Forgive me! I want to take her out to the Winter Celebration and enjoy the night. I know you are not her parental guardian...but I only wish to spend this joyous day with her. Please do me this favor..."

He speaks with such sincerity and is genuine using his words. Jake has lowered his head begging not sure how Butler will answer.

Still little did Jake knew, his grip on her hand become tighter as if he didn't want her be taking away from him.

"...well..." Butler scratches the side of his head then responds. "...I am not going to tell you what to do...but...if I am doing my job correctly...the Mistress would have gone home with me...but in this case...since I warned you and told you what I should have done..."

He is beating around the bush and isn't making much sense until Butler laughs then he approaches the two.

"...give me both of your instruments and I will keep them safe in the take the Mistress. Young man, make sure you and the Mistress will meet me at Station Nine before midnight...understand?"

Just like that, as if there was a burden lifted off his shoulders, Jake nods his head in agreeing then grins towards Crystal.

"Of course, you have my word...t-thank you..."

Before he could have finished his sentence, Butler interrupts the moment. "Do not waste anymore time...go and have fun...remember, the Mistress will be in your care, until she reaches safety back to me. Therefore I am embedding my trust in you as you will treat her well..."

"I understand!"

After receiving Butler's blessings the two can finally enjoy their time alone together. He takes her to city square, night sightseeing, the outdoor garden light show, and now at her favorite place to visit.

"So of all of the places you want to eat...we come here?"

Jake couldn't believe they are at a burger joint. This time he has order an ice cream treat while Crystal munches on her cheese burger with a sides of honey spicy chips and as usual she making a mess.

"Yes! This is a very fond memory I have of us."

The table is cover with dirty napkins and Jake couldn't help to think she is quite charming eating messy. He takes another clean napkin and wipes her mouth just like the first time.

"You know, for a polite girl, you are a messy eater."

"Well, I...I have some flaws too! Believe it or not...I am not a perfect Lady...after all eating green peas is such a nuisance...and you cannot slurp your noodles unless I am told so...but if there is a opportunity for you to meet one of my maids who is very strict using polite language...and..."

Crystal is like an open book and rants about her troubles about being a perfect Lady. Sadly, Jake doesn't know or understand her world or knows what makes an ideal Lady yet, he couldn't help but chuckles even she has issues.

"I didn't think being a Lady would be so much work."

" is not to be taking lightly of."

Jake laughs at her little commotions thinking that table manners are more important to her than anything else.

 "Crystal, I'm not...teasing you ...after spending this much time with never talk about yourself..."

"Well...we are both devoted to our music...but is there anything else that you would like to know more about me?"

"I know you talk about Grand Maestro, I have seen your Butler and just heard about your maid...what about your Mother?"

Crystal places the food back onto the tray then places her hands together and slowly opens about her past.

 "When I was seven my Mother and  Grand Maestro...I Father got into a horrible divorced. Afterwards she left the estate then I never heard from her again...he forbids me ever contracting her."

"So you never wanted to sneak behind his back to email her."

Crystal faintly smiles and then she shakes her head. "...when I was younger...I tried to connect with seems as if...she didn't care...wanting to hear about the awards I have won or dreams that I wanted to share...she told was a waste of time..."

Thinking of the past makes her sighs and looks at him as he glazes into her eyes which leaves unease.

 What a strange feeling so she stares at her trace then speaks again. "I guess...I can understand why the marriage ended up like it did...two very bitter and broken people who wanted to dominate each other but in the end...both had accomplish nothing."

"What do you mean?"

"After the divorce my Father remarried quickly, however I never saw much of my Stepmother...because she chooses to live overseas. Because of the quickness of the new marriage many rumors came upon my Father only married her so both of their companies are the is all about business. However, I should not become bitter about because...deep inside, I day when he will marry me off for some kind of contract..."

There is a sorrow look within Jake's eyes of how could she speaks with a positive attitude after knowing what kind of fate waits for her.

"Jake? Why? Is there something on my face? You have been staring at me for a while now?"

From there Crystal sees how tightly his shoulders and fists become then he expresses himself freely.

"H-how can you still smile from knowing what will happen to you."

She runs her finger on rim of her drink after that carefully speaks. "I made my peace with music."


"Music was all I have keeps me going and companies me whenever I am lonely. My violin helps me express myself and eases my pain...allowing continue going...go until I can no longer have the limbs to act..."

Crystal sees Jake's still expression and she nervously chuckles about her answer so she explains it again.

"Maybe what I said seems strange but...I learned to understand myself and live my life humble and do not be like my Father...I hope that answer is acceptable. Anyway, forgive for my rudeness as I only spoke of myself. Please tell me about your parents? They must be proud to have a talented son like you."

Now the attention is pointing at him so it is his turn to share something about himself. Jake clutches the napkins as it wrinkles then his face is covered in sweat, his lips press together, his eyes tense, and he glares at the table.

"W-we don't need to mention them..."

"Oh, if you do not want to talk about it then we do not have too..."

"No," Jake said as he lets out a heavy sigh. "It's parents were bad people. They were con-artist and left me behind with a huge debt. From that I don't even knowledge them as my birth parents, in other words, they don't exist in my life."

"So you were all alone?"

"I was lucky to have loving grandparents who raised me but they passed three years ago and left me a savings. The apartment where I live belongs to a long time friend of theirs so I get by...working here and there..."

But...your parents are still your flesh and blood...I am sure that is a reason and why they choose to not to share what happen with you..."

"...reason? They shouldn't be called parents. What kind of parent abandons their child for money? According to them I was an accident. They mean...nothing to me..."

Crystal didn't know how to comfort or respond to his bold and bitter statement. She understands the pain because they both have parents how never show them paternal love.

The conversation ends there and the night continue however the two have been extremely quiet as Crystal has been walking on eggshells after leaving the food joint. It is close to the time whereas Jake drops Crystal to Station 9 whereas Butler hands Jake his guitar.

"Just on you promise, young" He notices the heavy atmosphere and leaves the two along for a few more moments. "...why...don't you two have another brief moment to say goodnight..."

From there Butler leaves the two alone to sort any uncomfortable feelings. Crystal doesn't want the wonderful night to have a sour taste towards the end.

"I am sorry if I made you remember such painful memories."

Jake straps the guitar case to his shoulder than he answers her. "You don't have to apologies for every single thing." He faces towards her direction then he notices her eyes are full of despair so he calls for her. "Crystal?"

"It must have been difficult for you to endure the pain and resentment, but I...I...want to understand you...I want to be there for you...I want to help you...I want to support you...I..."

Jake is annoy with her sympathy and acting as if she knows his life. " can you help me? How can you solve my problem if you can't even fix your own?"

Crystal stands quiet and said as she bites her lip. "Even if our families are broken...we can at least try to understand ourselves and move forward...t-together..."

Her sudden confession catches them both off guard. Once Crystal realized what she had said her face flesh red.


Crystal stumbles to find the voice to speak while back tracking what she should do next. Then she recollects her thoughts.

"I am sorry...I did not mean too...I am so foolish...please forget what I said... I will take my leave first...good-bye Jake."

She hurries into the car while Butler waits in the driver seat and was noisy because he had the window rolled down and overheard their not so private conversation. It turns out the couple had some kind of a quarrel.

The key is inserting into the car while the engine starts yet he asks the Mistress before leaving for the night.

"Are you sure that you want to leave? That young man seems confused about something." From there Butler checks the rear-view mirror, to find Jake heading for the subway. "If you wish, I can turned the car around and you can speak with him once more..."

" know what I did wrong...and I cannot undo it...perhaps it is best to leave it like this..."
"Is that your final answer?"

The tears will not stop flowing from the corners of her eyes. "Y-yes." Crystal holds in her sadness then quickly wipes away the tears from her rosy cheeks.

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