A sudden sleep over

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The two arrive to his studio apartment and Crystal is flabbergasted from the cleanest of his place. A stain free and spotless rug, wooden floors have not scratch marks as there is no crumbles or anything left behind. To the side of the room, the curtains are pulled back to showcase the wonderful view of the night city and the water bridge.

"Oh my goodness...this is amazing! You can see the city lights! The view is incredible!"

Jake locks the front door then he settles into the apartment. He isn't as thrill as she is as she searches through his place from every corner of the room.

"You are so lucky to wake up every day with this beautiful sight!"

He scoffs. "Are you joking with me?"

At last the young man can finally have a chance to put his instruments away and he sits down on the edge of the couch.

"Jake, may I have permission to read and go through your music books?"

His tired eyes become careless and quickly glances his shoulder only to find Crystal looking thorough his books and unimportant things.

"Yeah, go ahead...I doubt there will be anything interesting to find..." Exhausted however his Iphone is constantly blowing up with frequent text messages.

Now his band mates are joking if Jake will have a lucky night with the lady and tease about his innocents and lack of confidences sealing the deal.

Under a pile of stuff, there was something which catches Crystal's attention. Out of all of the random things, she grabs a small square shape package then the unknown object is now lifting it towards the light.

"Ohh...what is this? Why is it wrap in this tiny and see through clear package...and...it feels smooth...and kind of...bumpy..."

Jake faces to her once more and sees a condom in her hands. He is speechless and can't find any words to say to her. Jack quickly stands from his couch then hastily heads in her direction before she does anymore careless action.

"H-hey, has anyone ever told you to not look through other people stuff?"

"But Jake...you gave me consent to do so..."

Meanwhile he hastily gets off the couch in order to snatches the condom away from her and bluntly said without much thinking.

"This is something that you will use later in life."

"Is that so? What is it?"

Now it is become more awkward as Jake couldn't find the best definition to explain the tiny object.

"Well..." He is stumbling over his words. "...it...is only...only..."


Jake tries his best not making the direction of the conversation more complicated so bluntly said. "...only for adults to use!"

He catches himself then realized what he just gives her a random respond. "...damn...that wasn't the best answer to explain this..."

"Adults? Is that so, but since we are adults...does that mean we can use it?"

"Wha-what? Are you serious? What did they put in your burger and soda?"

Crystal holds another smooth and tiny square package in her hands. "Anyways, what is the purpose of this package? How do you use it? Is it safe?"

"No, look what I am trying to say is..."

There is a long pause as Jake couldn't open up to her and explain the purpose of the item.

"What I really mean is..." Then the puzzled young man slaps himself in the forehead because now he is tongue tied. "What in the hell am I supposed to say..."

It is time for her game to end then she giggles and said jokingly. "Why? I guess I played a little dumb for too long...but...I thought your Bass Guitarist will have a secret stash of these
 things...and I thought you were the innocent boy. This makes me curious...what else do you have in your apartment...are there any...dirty movies..."

Jake, didn't like how she think he is a pervert with no self control over his craving and shameless desires.

"H-hey! I have some pride and don't judge me! Those things that you are holding don't belong to me!"

"Oh my! This story has so many twists and turns!"

He is humiliated and he is too embarrassed to speak. "H-hey...if you must know...it was that idiot who gave the box to me as a present!"

"A gift to be used for a particular occasion, now tell me...is today a special day?"

"Look, he told me that...someday it will come in handy...ugh...forget it! I don't understand why I am explaining it to you!"

Jake is at his limited as Crystal enjoys toying with him, giving him a push and pull while he gives her the win this time.

"Alright, enough with the teasing...now..." He stands up and isn't in the mood for more fun and games. "It has been a rough day...do you want to take a shower? To you know...warm up?"

Afterwards Jake opens a wooden cabinet to grab some towels. It seems as if he is ignoring her then she feels guilty if her joke went too far as he is resenting her.

"Oh please, do not trouble yourself...Mr. Cadence, I am sorry for causing you any trouble and teasing you earlier. But please do not think ill of me. I am grateful for your kindness and I will repay you as soon as possible. But for the mean time I will do my...ouch!"

He throws a bath towels as it lands perfectly on her head. "Didn't I tell you to stop speaking formal around me."

"I am sorry...please forgive me!"

"Look...just go and take a shower...it will warm you up. If you don't like the shampoo I use. Under the bathroom cabinet, there should be more soap..."

Crystal hesitates to go and she is stalking while he heads for the bedroom. He will sleep on the couch that is in the living room while Crystal will use the futon. Therefore, he checks the closet for extra blankets, pillows and a sleep bag anything to provide extra padding. From the corner of his eye he doesn't understand what else is bothering her.

"What's the matter? Do I have show you how to turn on the hot water?"

"No! That is not it!"

She didn't mean to raise her voice, but he was jumping into conclusion while speaking for her.
However it is now Jake's turn to get back at her so he plays along.

 "Oh, getting a little bit feisty...don't be shy...after all, you did have some trouble ordering your food, buying a subway ticket and...you got stuck because you didn't scan your ticket...now that was a laugh..."

"Stop! I am not that useless!" Crystal is currently blowing a short fuse with him then she slowly speaks. "...that is not the problem...I...I...it is too embarrassing to speak of!"

"What is it?"

"...I...well...my clothes..."

"...um...yeah...what about them?"

"...do I have to wear what I have on to bed?"

Jake laughs whereas Crystal did not understand why he finds it so amusing then he tries to calm down.

"...that is what you are worried about? I will never understand you..." From there he takes out a random shirt then hands it to her. "It might be too big for you but that's what you have to work with."

Now Jake waits until she is done using the bathroom as he waits for his turn and spends the rest of the time in the living room making himself a comfortable spot. At last the bathroom door opening as soon as he swore Crystal just got inside to shower.

"You're done? That was fast..."

Quickly, he gathers his bath items and heads for the restroom. Once he faces into the hall, he stumbles and sees the hot stream escapes into the air then Crystal makes her way out.

"I do apologize if I took too long?"

Crystal seems to be in a hurry for an unknown reason. The warm water bath brightens her face tone giving her rosy cheeks.

"Crystal, what are you talking about?"

All Jake could see her body shape outline and is distracted from how sloppy the shirt is nearly button in place, the collar neck is hanging to the side as if she didn't know where to fasten the loops.

He gulps hard and can't divert his sight from her. Jake is about to utter a word from his lips.

"Y-your bed is made...just go to sleep...there is no need to wait for me..."

The careless sight of her makes him speechless as he dares not to look away from how physical attractive she looks with the shirt nearly half way button which high expressing her luminosity skin and legs.

Crystal sees him stop midway in the hall so she gathers her things and steps aside so he can pass and use the bathroom. Jake finally takes a step forward then brushes against her whereas a faint smell of his own shampoo lingers into the air.

At a closer look, her hair is still quite damp as if she didn't take much effort drying most of the moisture out of her hair.

Jake ignores the lusty sight of her so now he focuses on his bath routine to cool off his head. Once he finishes his bath, it is time for bed and he walks freely to his room without a care in the world. Only covering himself with a bath towel where he loosens it then uses that same towel to roughly dries his hair then hangs it to be dry.

Carelessly, he has a feeling there is someone in the room with him so at the corner of his eye is Crystal who is sitting on the futon and quietly staring.

"Crap! I forgot you where here...w-why are you so quiet?"

"Well, I did not want to disrupt you during this critical time!" Some odd reason her gaze is pined somewhere else then she demands. "But...please...do something about...your l-lower torso!"

She has become tongue-tie and points toward his lower half even though he had on boxers still, in Crystal's point of view that is not enough clothing to cover him up.

"What are you talking about—I am not naked!"

"That is the least of the problem! You will catch a cold while being unclothed!"

Jake sighs then couldn't believe how naive she is while he flips a switch, turning up the heat in the room.

"Don't worry, I won't freeze to death...it will take a while for the heat to kick in."

Afterwards, one problem solved then Crystals notices there is only one bed in the room so she asks Jake.

"Where will you sleep?"

"In the living room...after all it isn't ladylike..."

He leans closer to her while she sits on the center of the bed. In her hands is a large pillow giving the two space until Jake reaches for it and pulls the head support to the side.

Jake continues. "...to have both genders in one bed...right..."

"What are you—"

Crystal is flabbergast with his teasing so she hesitance to answer. "H-how could you speak so casual about such an impure thing!?"

Jake laughs at her then gathers his belongs and leaves the room. "Good night..." Lastly he flips the light switch off then goes to the living room.

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