Rock Bottom (DNCE)

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Katy's pov
When I get to the pub, the show had already began.
I decide to sit near the bar. There is no reason to go to the backstage and stay next to Garry.
"Coke please" I tell to the bartender
I decide not to drink, although I am super nervous. I don't know what to expect about Harry. Is he still mad at me? I had already apologized. He should know it was a mistake and that I would never hurt him on purpose. I love him!
I look at him in the stage. He looks so happy. So different of how he left the bakery... I hate the fact that I've made him sad. Our relationship has been so... stressful lately. We are almost never together. I upset him, he upset me, we had a fight... Our Relationship has worn out so much.
He sings and everyone is enjoying their selves. He spots me. He stares at me for some seconds and... Smile! I smile to him. He sang the whole song looking at me. It seemed like it was just the two of us one on the pub. This give me hope that we will be able fix everything.


I go to the backstage after the show.

"Hey" I say to Harry when I meet him

"Hey! You came!" He says

"Yeah. I wouldn't miss it. I love watching you" I say sincerly

He nods understanding what I mean "Will invited me to his friend party. It's tonight. You want to go?"


He smiles " Great! "

"Harry you have to see this! Come here" Garry calls

We walk to him. Garry and the boys, but they are not alone. Sophie and another girl are with them "Hey" Sophie says. What the hell is she doing here?

"Sophie and Emily are fans." Garry says" Look what they did!" He points to their shirt and I take a look.

They printed a photo of the band on the T-shirt.

"Nice" Harry says Sophie smiles.

It so obvious she is flirting with him. I wonder if she really likes White Eskimo or she want to fuck one of the members....

"They came here to ask you guy to autograph their t-shirt" Garry says

"Could you autograph?" Sophie asks I want to kill her

"Sure" they say

The guys autograph the back of the girl T-shirt.

"I want you to autograph next to White Eskimo" Sophie asks. The name is write on the top of the shirt, close to the cleavage . I.can.not.believe. Is she really doing this??

"I-" I try to speak, to stop this.

Garry grabs my hand "Don't" Garry stops me

No one had notice my attempt to try to stop this "But she is... She asked them to basically autograph her breast!"I half yell, half whisper

"Let them. They are doing their job"

"No! She is taking advantage of the situation! I know her! She is a bitch!"

"You can not treat a fan like that"

"I treat her the way I want to"

"Listen Katy, you are not going to stop Harry. You will let him autograph the T-shirt. You are just his girlfriend, you can not interfere on the band. I am the one in charge here" I look at him furious!

I want to through a punch at Sophie's stupid face. I want to stop Harry but I can't. I know Garry is right, I can't interfere on the band.

Harry looks a little bit uncomfortable about the situation. The others boys don't. They all sign Sophie's shirt. When Harry is autographing the shirt, Sophie looks at me for the first time and smiles. That bitch!

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