Whenever (The Black Eyed Peas)

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Katy's pov

Today I had training.

Harry did everything to try to convince me not to go and he could be very... persuasive but I had resist to his charm and went to the ring.

Martha have been taught today. She was really pushing me. Not that I am completing, I know all the yelling was necessary to make me better, to make me perfect.

I had stopped for two weeks and now I have to make up the time wasted.

I have to be the best.

It's a strange feeling, pushing your body to the limits, to get better. I am a mess. I am just a sweat, trying to catch my breath, the cold from the ice contract with the warm from my body.

I'm exhausted. I am out of energies, but Martha is screaming.

"Come on Katy, you can do that triple axels!!"

And I breathe. And try one more time, because I believe I can do it. I believe I can win the Grand Pix Final.

And I fly. It's so perfect.

When I put my foot back on the ice and hear Martha cheering, I think to myself: this, I want to do this for the rest of my life.


I get home exousted but really happy and excited. It's already dark, I've spend the whole day at the ring.

"Mom, Dad I'm home"

"Katy, come here" Mom calls me in the dining room

"Yeah?" I come in and see a roses bouquet at the table.

It's gorgeous."Wow" I say

"It's for you"

"For me?"

"Yeah. It was delivered for you one hour ago" she smiles "I think it is from Harry. There is a card on it"

I smell the roses, and read the card

"I wanna hold you, I wanna hold tigh- H"

I smile to myself. It's the lyrics from One Way or another.

"Do we have a jar where I can put it?" I ask my mom

"Yeah. I can take care of it, now go call him"

I laugh and head to my bedroom to call him.

"Hey baby" he says

"Harry, the roses are gorgeous. Thank you"

"I'm happy you like it"

"Yeah, what are they for?" I ask

"Nothing really. I just wanted to do something nice for you"

"You are spoiling . I will get used to it and you will have to do something for me every week" I joke

"I wouldn't mind. I love to make you smile"

"You are so sweet. I've never thought you would become this... romantic boyfriend. When I met you, you were this bad boy, womanizer who didn't give a shit about anyone and now... you take me to nice restaurants and buy flowers to me. It's just weird"

"Yeah, I did change but it's a nice change. I feel happier now. All those girls were just...a distraction, and I was trying to find something on them, a joy maybe. But now that I am with you, now that I know what is love, I just feel happy. And there is this small things, like lying on the bed with you, hear your laugh, make you smile, dance with you, cook for you that makes me feel so happy. I am a better man now."

"I am happy for you"

"It's really strange, if you stop to think about it, how far we've come in such a short period of time. How much we know each other"

I don't know about what have happened with you and your mom

"...and we've been dating for 7 months, it feels like I've know you for years" he continues

"Yeah. It's weird. I've changed so much too. Since I've met you I've done so many things that I had never done. I've been on clubs, I got drunk, I ran away from home, I've spend some months living with you, I had an accident, I've been to a pre-summer festival, I've...explored your body, and you have explored mine. I'm not the girl I was before. I feel like I am more boud. I like it"

"We did had a great time together"

"Yeah, and we will have a great time on your graduation and in your prom. I'm so excited!"

We keep talking the whole night and it was already mid-night when I hang up.

Time flies when I am with Harry. And the more I spend time with him, the more time I need to be around him.  

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