Part 1

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Khushi's Pov.

After watching sheetal and arnav play she coudn't help but think that even after accepting arnav with all his flaws, going through all the hardships to be together there's still a part of her that can not accept arnav's colorful past, his blatant disregard for her feelings in matters concerning to his di or in this case old "not important" ex-girlfriends.

She had always dreamed of a fairytale wedding, a husband who trusts her, respects her, understands her but in reality she got exact opposites of her dreams. She wonders whether the sacrifices she made for her husband and her marriage were worth it. She was questioning her innerself about the state of her marriage and husband when the man himself came inside the house bellowing her name tagging along his ex-gf and her son. she wanted to slap her arnav for being so dense but she can't do that unless.... Time to put up a good show KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA SINGH RAIZADA.


KHUSHI: Arnavji calm down. I had a headache so i wanted to rest a bit so i came back home. Plus  i didn't wanted to disturb anyone. before you ask me i am fine . also i wanted to make something to celebrate your win.

khushi went back to kitchen and came back with small chocolate cake. Although from within her heart was crying tears of blood but from outside she smiled as if she had no worries in the world.

Sheetal: wow khushi.!! Is this Belgium chocolate flavor?? I remember it was arnav's favorite. Isn't it Arnie??

Arnav: seriously sheetal.. u still remember that..I am impressed..u have got an amazing memory. thank you khushi but  I'll have it later.

Khushi: but arnavji u can have a little piece..I know it's not Belgium flavor but still u will like it. Please y..

Arnav: not now khushi.. I already told you I will eat it later.Plus if anyone deserves it then its champ. He played really well today

Arav : thank you so much ASR . Thanks for playing with me and Mom.. I love you both..!! cute were heard from everyone.
The whole family made loving noises about arnav and arav's bond. No one noticing that their elder raizada bahu is falling to pieces even her jiji didn't notice her inner turmoil.

Khushi stood there looking at the perfect family portrait like an outsider. Her inside screaming to arnav to not torture her, to catch her before she falls beyond his reach, to listen her heartbeats.

Tears started glistening her eyes. Her eyes asking her arnavji to hold her, to show her his love just the way he used to, to show everyone that he may b asr for world but he's her arnavji. He is khushi's arnav.

Arnav: khushi I am going to have a shower.. please get me a coffee in our room..come fast..
He went to his room without even looking back.
He didn't even ask her about her foot when in past even a scratch on her would end up with him dragging her to hospital.

Can he not see my pain anymore?? Did I get so good in acting that even my arnavji is not able to detect my fake smiles??
Please devimaiya I can't bear this pain anymore. Can't I have atleast one person who understands me and my fake smile..please devimaiya please give me an anchor before my world falls apart..I miss you mumma papa..

Unknown to khushi her devimaiya had heard favorite devotee's her wish and granted it faster than she can imagine. An anchor was about to come to her.

Part2 will be updated later this week

Secrets withinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें