part 5

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Arnav felt tremendous guilt and pain jolt through his body. Here was a man who defended khushi when it was his job to do so. He was khushi’s husband, only he had right to love her, defend her, cherish her,
bring a smile to her face. But when has he performed his duty in regards to khushi.

He never noticed before how sheetal used to subtly insult khushi but this man did. Arnav wanted to take khushi back to their room and hug her tight, cry in her arms, wanted her to forgive him just one last time.

Anjali was the first one to come out of the bombs impact which shaurya had dropped so carelessly.

Anjali : khushiji why didn’t you ever tell us that you were a national level tennis player. Chote even u didn’t tell us. She pouted childishly.

khushi : di the topic never came up so I forgot to tell you plus no one was interested in my life uptill today. And please don’t blame arnavji even he didn’t know.

All the raizada felt shame clawing in to their hearts especially arnav.
Will he get the chance? Will khushi leave him for shaurya? What will happen to him if khushi leaves? Will he be able to survive without his khushi? Why didn’t khushi tell me about her achievement.? He couldn’t answer these questions himself and can’t ask khushi infront of all theses people.

Sheetal smirked and thought to instigate arnav and raizadas against khushi.
Sheetal : Khushi u should have told arnav about it even if the topic didn’t come up or was there something else that you were trying to hide? I mean arnav must have felt bad for not knowing.

Before khushi could say anything in reply arnav wrapped his arms around her shoulders and answered sheetal in his asr tone.
Arnav : Sheetal what my wife has told me or did not tell me is our business. I would appreciate it if you never interfered in our personal matter again. What khushi and I share is none of your concern. It will do
you good to remember that.

Sheetal looked as if some had just stabbed her puppy. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect arnav to insult her like this. She looked at anjali and nani expecting them to rebuke arnav but no one contradicted arnav’s statement this time. All knew that sheetal had crossed her limit.

Arnav looked at Shaurya who gave him a nod and then turned his attention to khushi’s shocked state and wanted to kill himself. She never expected him to defend her. Her shocked state told him that she
has almost given up on him. He couldn’t speak more alas he starts crying from the emotion bursting inside him so he just sat there watching these two.

Khushi : shau how are you? I can’t believe its been so long since we met.

Shaurya : I am fine khush. But shifting your entire base from London is quite tiring.

Akash : but khushiji if shaurya was in London since so long then how did you two meet? Does payal knows him too?

Khushi : I met him when we were kids. Our dads were good friends. Jiji has met him a few times, by the way where is jiji ? I didn’t see her since I came back.

Jiji is married to akashji said khushi answering shaurya’s silent question.

Akash: payal is resting in her room since she was not feeling well .

Shaurya : payal lives here too ? wow I guess. I did miss a lot of things.

Shaurya’s words had double meaning which khushi understood when he looked at her and she nodded in return. Arnav watched the entire exchange between them and tightened his fist before he does something violent to this guy.

He told himself that khushi will become even more upset if he hits her so called “best friend”. No matter how unworthy of khushi he was feeling right now he will always be a possessive beast where khushi is concerned. Thankfully anjali started talking before he could give into his violent thoughts.

Anjali : what do you mean a few times khushiji. If he was your best friend, payalji would have met him many times.

Khushi : First of all di he still is my best friend. There is no past tense when it comes to shaurya. Second his father uncle Anand used to come and pick me up and I used to spend my entire summer holidays with them. The rest of the year we used to keep in touch through our phones.
After his father’s death a few years back he shifted to London permanently. Jiji has only met him a few times when he used to come to wish me on my birthdays. He was the one who introduced me into lawn tennis. Well he introduced me to a lot of sports but tennis was the one I liked the most.

She smiled remembering childhood memories. Arnav soothed a little seeing her smile but at the same time it pricked him that the smile cherishing her lips was placed by another man.

Shaurya : khush I would love to continue this conversation with you but if you don’t feed me soon I will die plus I am dying to eat food made by you. Do u know how much I missed eating Indian food all these years. Have you made your famous jalebis?? He asked enthusiastically

Arnav and khushi looked at each other recalling the conversation they had

Khushi : But arnavji he's Indian isn't he?? Shouldn't we have some Indian cuisine too?? He would enjoy home food.

Arnav : no khushi after living in abroad for so long your taste changes and I don't want to risk upsetting him. He is younger than me so I am sure he is a fan of foreign cuisine.

Arnav thought that feeling anymore loathing towards himself was not possible but apparently he was wrong. He searched his khushi's eyes to tell her how sorry he was but she refused to meet his eyes. Fighting her tears khushi replied to shaurya in a grave voice

Khushi : sorry shau. You have to wait until tomorrow to eat food made by me or even Indian food for that matter. Everyone thought you would prefer foreign cuisines more so we didn’t make any Indian food. But don’t worry tomorrow at lunch I will make all your favourite dishes.

Shaurya recognized the strain in khushi’s voice and fought the urge to start asking her questions right now. Tomorrow he consoled himself. Tomorrow he was gonna drag the truth out her. Something big has happened and khushi would not give him all the answers easily. He has a lot of work cut out for him.

Shaurya : fine I will hold you to that promise.

Anjali: come everyone lets move to the dining table.

Enjoy reading 😃

Next chapter will reveal more secrets regarding khushi.

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