part 7

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After the revelations everyone concentrated on the dinner and silence took place. After completing the dinner all the raizadas and sheetal bidded shaurya goodbye. Arnav and khushi went outside to escort shaurya up to his car.

Shaurya : you have an exceptional woman as your wife Arnav. You are a very lucky man ASR.

Arnav : that I am. He said looking at khushi

Shaurya : so mr. raizda I will take your leave now. Its quite late. I will try to complete formalizing the deal as soon as possible. There are few changes that I would like in the contract. I will ask my personal assistant to make the contract papers ready as early as possible.

Arnav : there’s no problem mr. khurana. Please take your time. And just to say I would like to have this deal not because I am khushi’s husband but because AR deserves this deal. I would like you to take a practical decision free of bias.

Shaurya : sure Mr. raizada. Don’t worry abou that. I am a very practical man. He said staring at khushi.
Will you please excuse us a moment mr. raizada he asked or rather demanded and started dragging khushi to a distance without even waiting for arnav's reply.
Shaurya : doll give me your number he said.

After taking khushi’s mobile number he continued talking .. khush we need to talk. I know there is something terribly wrong but trust me I will make everything right.

Tomorrow a car will be here at exactly 10:00 am to pick you up. We will have breakfast together and talk. Just know that I am here now. Take care doll. He said placing a hand on her head.


As soon as shaurya placed his hand on her head her strength came back. Her strongest support pillar is back. Now she is no more alone.
She smiled genuinely looking at him and nodded back at him. He knew that she knew. No one can hurt her as long as shaurya was there. He was her guardian angel. He has always been one.

She saw him going to his car and thanked her devi maiya for bring shaurya back to her life. Her devi maiya had fulfilled her heartfelt wish.
She turned back to go inside the house only to witness Arnavji standing there like a broken child. He looked lost but still she couldn’t find it in her to sympathise with him.
She knew how her bonding with shaurya must have looked to him but even then she did not tell him the truth. She went back into the house without looking at him.

After a long time she felt like her old self again. The khushi who was lost after the contract marriage. She was never the one to pity herself but this man had made her feel inferior, made her doubt herself. He turned her from happy bubbly chirping girl to a depressed lone soul.

Even today she loves arnav singh raizada to death but she was done being a doormat. A strong lesson was long overdue for her dear husband. Her husband and family members are in for a long tough ride. Ohh and how can she forget her husband’s lovely friend and her son. Her strong fiery fighting spirit is back, her guardian angel brought it back.

She went to her room to go to bed as tomorrow will be a long day because she would have to restrain shaurya from killing arnav. She was so happy to have shaurya back.

After a really long time there was someone who will support her no questions asked. There were times when even arnav supported her but only after getting the satisfactory answers for his questions. He never supported her unconditionally. But no worries things will change now.

She was immersed deep into her thoughts staring at stars near poolside when she felt arms snaking around her waist.
She knew that her husband has finally realized things but it hurt her to know that he realized it because of another man and not after seeing her in pain.
She was not naïve, she knows that her arnav was burning in jealousy with the entry of shaurya.

If there was one thing she was always sure about her arnavji or even when he used to turn in asr is that he is immensely possessive about her. She had played a lot with his jealousy during her jeeji’s marriage preparations.

Arnav: khushi he whispered her name in his husky voice.

Khushi knew that arnav had a lot of questions and he wanted to talk to her but she was is no mood to talk. She needed to do somethings before talking to arnav.

Khushi: Arnavji I know we need to talk, we need to decide about us but not tonight please. Can we please go to bed now. I am emotionally too drained to handle any kind of conversation today.

Arnav : As you wish khushi. This evening I had promised myself that from now on I will always keep your needs first. But please don’t take away my right to comfort you or love you.

Arnav suddenly hugged her tight, hiding his face in the crook of her neck and kissing her neck. All of their pent up emotion changed into sexual tension. No matter how upset or angry khushi was on her arnavji, if there is one thing she can’t do is reject arnav’s touch. The moment he touches her every cell in her body comes alive.

Arnav : Just remember this khushi, no matter how much I have hurt you or how much unworthy I feel I am for you, if there is one thing that’s never gonna change then it's the fact that YOU ARE MINE. I will be the only man to touch you, to kiss you, to see you in throes of passion. Every inch of your body belongs to me.


Saying that he kissed her passionately. He was always passionate with her but today he was behaving wildly. He threaded one hand into her hair holding them roughly and another was coiled tightly around her waist.
He tilted her head backwards for better access to her mouth and kissed her fervently without giving her time to take a breath. He moved to her neck biting her hard, leaving love bites wherever he could find some skin all the while squeezing her breasts hard and making her moan loudly.

Finally after few mins which felt like hours to khushi he lifted his face from neck, took hold of her dupatta and flunged it far away. Giving her a look from top to bottom he swiftly lifted her in his arms and took her to the bed.

He gently placed khushi on the bed. He started removing his shirt while holding her captive with eyes.
He came on top of her and kissed her lips gently. Before khushi could register anything he was making love to her naked body. She didn’t even realize when he undressed her. He took one nipple in his mouth and bit hard while savagely roaming his hands all over her.

He gently entered her and joined them together in every sense of word. He was kissing her, biting her, thrusting into her all the while muttering words like mine, only mine.
He suddenly stopped before she could cum and flipped her on all fours and re entered her from behind. He was thrusting into her with so much force that she thought the bed was about to break. He snaked one hand below her beast and pulled her into his chest. She felt so full in this position. Again after taking her to brink he stopped.

ARNAVVVVV she shouted because of her denied pleasure. U want something sweetheart he asked.
Before she could reply he again laid her on her back, held both her hands captive above her head with his one hand.

He again entered her and kissed her hard on the mouth. Tell me you are mine khushi, tell me you belong to me he demanded.
I am yours arnav, please let me cum now. come now sweetheart. Come for me.I love you khushi he screamed while flooding her womb and collapsed on top of her.

End of mature content

He had overpowered all her senses. She could only remember him and nothing else. He had marked every inch of her body as if she was his last chance at salvation. He had lost control of his inner beast and ravaged her body like a caveman. After hours of love making arnav finally let khushi rest and slept while spooning her naked body from behind.

Enjoy reading 😃

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