part 2

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Arnav's pov

Arnav was in a really serene mood. He had played basketball after a very long time and it was all because of khushi. Even though he's still a bit angry with khushi because of the dna test, she still manages to make him love her even more every day with her little gestures. He was reminiscing his dark life before khushi came and how colorful it became after her devimaiya literally dropped her into his arms. He chuckled remembering their past encounters. Although he doesn't show much khushi is very essential to him. He loves her the most in the whole world, may b even more than Anjali di.

He exited the shower and waited for khushi to come back to their room. He was deep in thoughts of his darling wife when his phone rang.

Arnav : yes Aman.. what but why so early...I told you Aman that I want this contract at any cost. Do u even know what would happen if we lose this contract and our rival gets it.. but Aman how the hell even the mehra's got to know about it.. Mr. Khurana came to India two weeks back only..

Arnav saw khushi entering the bedroom when he was yelling at aman and gestured her to sit on recliner while he was standing inside the room facing the poolside.

Arnav: Aman do one thing invite mr.khurana to dinner at shantivan on behalf of me and bring the agreement papers here so I can review it. Aman don't mess this up, if we lose this contract AR will suffer some serious loses.

Arnav stood their with one hand on his waist and other on his forehead. He has to convince this guy anyhow. Suddenly he heard some noise and turned back to notice khushi slightly massaging her right foot.
Suddenly he remembered that khushi had hurt her foot while playing the match. He cursed silently before he dropped to his knees and gently lifted her foot and placed on his lap.

Arnav: khushi why didn't u tell me about your foot..look it's swollen he said while massaging it himself.
Y the hell are you running here and there if your foot is hurt.. u r crazy.. did u apply medicine..y can't u take care of yourself damn it..!!!

Khushi : arnavji I am really fine. It was a light sprain and I sprayed muscle relaxant on it. And before you start shouting me for not telling you in my defense I thought you already knew because I got hurt in front of you. It was kind of hard to be missed.

Arnav looked up sharply back into her eyes at her last statement. His heart was beating really fast trying to tell him something, trying to warn him but he can't be Arnav Singh Raizada if he listed to his heart instead of his mind. He searched her eyes trying to find the reason for her sharp words. But she started speaking before he can figure it out.

Khushi : Arnavji who is coming to our house for dinner and why are you so tensed ?? Is there a problem in AR??

Although he was sure that something was wrong with her he decided to ask her in the night where he can seduce the truth out of her..

Arnav: Nothing that you should be worried about. It's just that I have to win a contract and in order to do that I have to impress the client. He is a very influential person in London and he is shifting his base in India.
I invited him for dinner here to give him a bit more hospitality so order hp to make some continental Chinese and Italian dishes.

Khushi : But arnavji he's Indian isn't he?? Shouldn't we have some Indian cuisine too?? He would enjoy home food.

Arnav : no khushi after living in abroad for so long your taste changes and I don't want to risk upsetting him. He is younger than me so I am sure he is a fan of foreign cuisine.
Ok now you rest here I have to go and talk to sheetal regarding today's meeting.
U take rest and I'll be back in some time.

Part 3 will reveal some secrets..

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