Part 9

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Arnav woke up with a smile on his face. His hands searching for khushi beside him. He frowned feeling the bed empty. He laid back on the bed with one hand behind his head thinking khushi must be downstairs.

Today I will take khushi out to dinner and ask for forgiveness he thought. He called aman to make arrangements for dinner and went to get ready. I know khushi is still upset with me but today i will pamper her so much that she will forget all her sorrows .

Arnav went downstairs and started searching for khushi. Finally after not finding her anywhere he asked nani.

Arnav : nani where is khushi ?? have you seen her anywhere ??

Nani : Chotte khushi went out early morning to meet with shaurya. She said she had some work after that and will come back by the evening. 

Arnav : what the !!! she didn't even inform me. he muttered angrily realizing khushi went to go meet with shaurya. 

He called her but her phone was switched off which added to his frustration. He always hated not knowing where khushi was and adding to that she was with that bloody shaurya.

But even this past weeks you didn't know where she was a voice muttered from his mind.

He was so angry that he was about to flung his phone when he caught the sight of sheetal making his morning even worse. Even before sheetal could open her mouth to greet him he shouted at the top of his voice ordering hariprakash to bring his coffee in his room and marched away from there.

He never felt the urge to hit a woman before but he sure as hell felt it now. Sheetal was the reason that khushi was angry at him and he hated fighting with his wife.

He knew he overreacted with the issue of DNA test but khushi knows him doesn't she. He regretted spending time with sheetal ignoring khushi but he will appease her. he knew khushi could not stay angry with for long.
He called aman to cancel his meetings as he was not in right state of mind to handle business today. He just wanted to hug khushi and love her to satisfy his tormented soul. He sat with his laptop and started doing his work furiously.

It was almost evening and khushi still wasn't home. He got a text messgae from khushi telling that she would have dinner outside with that bastard khurana. But when he tried calling her again her phone was switched off. Now arnav was seething with anger.

From morning he was waiting for her to come home so that they could talk but no having dinner with her so called friend was more important to MRS raizada than talking with her husband. He cancelled the dinner reservations and waited for khushi. He was furious with khushi for pulling a stunt like this. He knew she was angry and upset but that doesn't mean that she can behave like this.

His heart alerted him of her presence. He went out of his room to see khushi greeting his family members in the lounge.

KHUSHIIIIIIII he shouted from top of the stairs. COME TO OUR ROOM NOW. His heart warned him to keep calm but when has arnav singh raizada listened to his heart when in anger.

He saw khushi calmly walking up the stairs and she by passed him without even giving him a glance. He angrily followed her inside the room and locked the door.

He turned around to see her calmly sitting on the recliner looking straight in his eyes. He was unwavering seeing her so calm and poised. That's not his khushi. He went close to her and gripped her biceps tightly and hauled her into his body.

Arnav : Where the hell were you khushi?? Since morning i am waiting for you to come and look when you came. You didn't even inform me where you are going.. When will you stop this childish behaviour of yours khushi..
Do u even know how many times i called you, why was your phone switched off.I had made so many plans for us but you didn't even call me back.. Speak up dammit.. don't just stand there like a statue.

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