One is Never Enough

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Adalicia POV
                       ~2 weeks later~

After that day at the hospital , I have been avoiding Nicky & Bre like crazy. I honestly feel as if I'm only avoiding the possibility of being rejected. It's not like it's just one person rejecting me and I can easily push it under the rug but its double rejection and who wants to deal with that ? I mean don't get me wrong I just I couldn't handle it coming to me at the same time , but eventually I will have to face them whether I like it or not.

"Hey Adalicia , I need to talk to you" I heard that all to familiar smooth voice. I just kinda wish it wasn't this soon , but better sooner than later. "Hey Bre , how are you ?" I said clearly doing a bad job  hiding the nervousness in my voice.  "I should be asking you that same question, you've been ignoring Nicky and I for days. All we've been trying to do was give you an answer to the offer that you gave us. What has gotten into you ?" She spoke with frustration with a hint of worry and a splash of confusion. I honestly wish I wasn't bold that day because all of this could've been avoided. I wouldn't be purposely ignoring the two girls I like nor would I have put all three of us in a awkward situation as of right now.

" I was afraid that you guys were going to reject me , I mean not everyone is into a polygamous relationship." She stared at me for a long while before taking a deep breath and slightly rolling her eyes , before I knew it I was engulfed into a hug. " But Nicky and I are into a polygamous relationship so deal with it." She whispered ever so silky , I swear between my legs there was a heart attack down there. I was tense at first but finally allowed myself to melt in her arms and by the way she squirmed underneath me I can tell she was turned on as well.  We finally let go of each other to go find Nicky.

As we are walking down the hallway I get this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I feel like I should tell Bre that we shouldn't go look for her but I'm probably being paranoid or just maybe my gut is really trying to tell me something for our sake. The further we got to look for her the more the feeling grows . I notice a group of girls blocking the restroom door and y'all I have to go so bad . I pull Bre to the bathroom after arguing for like five fucking minutes to make her go with me. We both walk in and to our surprise is what we see next out rage us both.

"Ajah you know I can't do that plus you're like some months pregnant with Ricky's baby! I have two beautiful girlfriends i love dearly, and I refuse to fuck up what we got going , so will you please excuse me ? Nicky said clearly annoyed with Ajah shenanigans, but Ajah being Ajah she blocked her way by gripping her arm. " You and I both know that this baby she be yours , Nicky we belong together we still have chemistry I know you still feel just as much as  I do." This bitch must have lost her ever lasting mind if she think she gone get what's ours. I recorded the whole thing , Ricky gonna have a damn cow. They didn't realize we were standing there until Bre went off and I for one to say shawty was hard to hold back when she's angry. "Bitch the feeling ain't mutal so I suggest that you gets going before I tell Ricky how much of a hoe you are."Ajah scoffed as she quickly waddle out the restroom.

"Nicky the offer still stands , just call me when you get tired of these two dykes." I looked at Nicky and then at Bre and then back Nicky both of them shaking their heads at me with disapproval... Fuck it! I charge at this pissy pussy ass hoe " Bitch you a dike taking dick and got pregnant Stoopid hoe." Bre and Nicky caught me just before I could get a hold of that bitch. They both instantly calmed me down "babygirl she ain't worth it chill out." " I don't need to be bailing out one of my princesses for beating up a pregnant bitch , ight ?". It was like having the best of both worlds and there was nothing that could top them. I got two of the greatest girlfriends in the world and I'm planning keep them for as long as I can.

"Papi can we leave, I don't wanna be at school no more ?" I was tired of of being here already, that whole situation ruined my whole day. I would've killed that bitch if I wanted to but that's not the godly thing to do.  "Yes princess let's go." We grabbed our thing and walked down the hallway while Bre held my hand and Nicky had her arm around me. We got stares from every direction possible , most of them shocked or congratulating us and some disgusted or jealous. I feel like I'm the most happiest person in the world nothing can me this happy ever.

Hello guys how are you guys ? I hope you are well 😘 I will be on and off with this book , because to be totally honest with you guys I have been extremely lazy with book. I would love to have feedback from you guys on what should happen next chapter. I love you guys so much thanks for reading.

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