y o o n g i | o n e

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Min Yoongi had a rough time. He was fired regularly for falling asleep too much as no boss was understanding of his condition. He could barely afford his stimulants and antidepressants and without them he performed even worse at work.

On top of his Narcolepsy was the Cataplexy. Strong positive emotions caused him to lose muscle tone and his speech would slur while his body was basically limp for several minutes. Because of the pesky consequences of positive emotions Yoongi became very withdrawn and sullen, which didn't help the job situation.

His sleep was often impaired by his sleep apnea and the restless nights made everything worse.

This is what led him to methamphetamine. He thought the stimulants would help him kick his Narcolepsy, and when that didn't work he became addicted to the thought that it would work.

His only company was his dog and his little sister who, despite being younger, took care of him both emotionally and financially. She was a scientific prodigy and pulled vast amounts of money from patented research and discoveries.

She was the one that had suggested he go into inpatient care for a little while to see what options he had for treatment and to detox, enticing him with promises to cover the costs. Despite his seemingly stoic and uncaring appearance, Yoongi wanted to get better not only for himself but for his little sister, so he willingly went into treatment, where he got more medication and was prescribed a strict sleep schedule, along with kicking his addiction. While his condition was slowly improving, the inpatient institution still wanted to keep tabs on him, which led to the twelve week outpatient program.

He was anxious to be in a room surrounded by strangers, and when he felt the drowsiness coming on, he simply succumbed to sleep, eager to escape the tense atmosphere.

He was shook awake by a grinning red head, hiding his surprise behind drooping eyelids.

After he finished his introduction he did his best to listen to the other introductions, not wanting to alienate anyone by seeming bored when they spoke.

When the screaming match began Yoongi's Narcolepsy was triggered again and despite trying to stay awake he couldn't fight the sleep and let himself go unconscious.

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