t a e h y u n g | o n e

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People called him Twitchy because his right eyebrow never stayed still and his head was always jerking to the left.

Taehyung was diagnosed with Tourette's at the age of six, and it made his life infinitely harder.

Little kids are cruel and ignorant, so his classmates never understood what a tic was nor did it matter when it came to making fun of the young boy. Before Twitchy became his permanent nickname there was retard, spaz, and autistic.

When his focal tics started in middle school he began getting in trouble for disrupting class, earning detention for spouting vulgarities. Very few teachers were understanding and Taehyung spent most afternoons cleaning classrooms for detention.

He was also hit for his inconvenient vocal tic, because yelling bitch randomly can be easily interpreted as an insult.

When high school came around it wasn't actually as bad, while some kids never stopped bullying him Taehyung was able to make friends and had a stronger support group. He became less anxious which decreased the tics and was better at controlling them.

It was when his parents divorced while he was in college that everything fell a part. His parents divorced each other, and the custody battle for his two younger siblings brought back his anxiety, the tics became so frequent that the they impaired both menial tasks and his professional life.

He couldn't hold down a job and was too anxious and insecure to trust his friend group, pushing them away until they gave up and left him.

He resorted to Heroin, a sedative that dulled his facial tics but took a toll on his physical health. He soon realized that he had a problem and needed help.

Alone and terrified, Taehyung joined the inpatient program willingly, and was put into the outpatient after finishing his four month inpatient stint, though he wasn't ready to be yelled at within two minutes of the beginning of the session.

His inconvenient tic sparked anger from another patient and the anxiety set off his tics, progressing into a panic attack when everyone started yelling. He just wanted to get better, and this was what he got.

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