"You can call me Mikey"

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Jessica's POV

That was the longest flight of my whole life. I could hardly sleep at all, I was too nervous. We got off the plane and of course Dan was standing there waiting. I didn't mind Dan, he makes my mum happy and that makes me happy.

Dan loaded our stuff in the car and drove to my new home. I was pretty silent most of the ride. Dan was telling me that Michael was excited to finally have a sister. I was still picturing what he could be like. We could be complete opposites and not get along at all, which would be a nightmare, or we could actually get along. I was so desperately hoping for the second one. I knew no one out here so I was at least hoping I could be friends with Michael.

Dan pulled up to the most beautiful house I've ever seen. It was much bigger than our house back at home. Home. That wasn't home anymore. I still hadn't got used to that. I will miss Cassie and Lucy like crazy but we promised each other we would skype as much as possible.

Dan helped me with my bags and put them in my room and told me just to come down when I've settled. I decided I should try unpack a few things and try to take my mind off the things I left back in the UK. I had only been unpacking for 10 minutes when I felt a presence behind me.


He said and I jumped from being startled. I turned around to see this really tall red haired (obviously dyed) boy standing in my doorway. He was a giant compared to me, I was quite intimidated by the way he was standing, that was until he smiled. His smile seemed to comfort me, it was warm and I could tell from that moment that we would be great friends. It was obvious we were not complete opposites, he was standing there in black ripped skinny jeans, a band tee and a red flannel, basically what I was wearing minus the flannel.

"Erm... Hi"

"I'm Michael, you must be Jessica"

"Jess" I corrected him, I didn't like it when my friends called me Jessica. Wait. What? Friends? I guess i just decided that Michael is stuck being my friend.

"Okay, Jess, you can call me Mikey" he said with a smile plastered from ear to ear. This was a lot easier than I thought. He just seemed to make me feel right at home.

"Do you play video games? Please say yes, cause we were getting off to a great start there and just by looking at you, you're not one of them barbie wannabes and I will be so disappointed if you don't play-"

"Yes Michael I play video games" I said cutting him off from the word vomit that had just escaped his mouth with a small laugh. He then dragged me out my room by my arm across the hall into what I'm guessing is his room. He handed me a controller and told me to sit down. At least I've made one friend without having to actually make an effort.

"Is destiny okay?" He looked at me and broke the silence we had been sitting in for a few minutes. It wasn't an awkward silence, more comfortable, he was setting up the playstation whilst I took in everything that was in his room.

"Destiny is fine" I said with a smile.

Playing destiny didn't really last that long. We were talking more than actually playing and so we decided to turn it off and just talk. It was great to have someone to just talk with. Even if I managed not to make friends I knew I had Mikey. He was telling me how he was in a band named 5 Seconds Of Summer, and was telling me about all the crazy stuff that him and his band members get up to. They seemed like a laugh, he said he'd introduce me to them but told me not to fall for anyone because "friends sisters are off limits". I knew he was joking and I burst out laughing. Like I was just going to fall for one of his band mates.

"Sister?" Did he really just say that?

"Yeah, well that's what you are now. You're my sister and I need to fulfil my role of protective big brother" he said with a slight smirk and his head held high. I couldn't help but burst out laughing which made him laugh to.

"Alright brother calm down".

I could tell that me and Michael were already becoming quite close, I mean he's already referring to me as his sister and we'd only just met.



Sorry if it's boring I swear it'll get better.

This was really just the introduction to Michael.

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