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Jessica's POV

I had stayed silent the whole way home. Michael could tell there was something wrong with me because he kept glancing at me through his rear view mirror. Luke kept stealing glances at me and opening his mouth only to shut it seconds later. I was just starting to get along with this boy and I had to go ahead and ruin it and make it awkward. That means I can't hang out with the rest of the boys because it'll just be awkward with Luke. Wait. He's the one who was going to kiss me. It wasn't the other way about. Maybe if I just wait until he speaks first or should I talk to him? Aaaah, I don't know, I need to call Cassie and Lucy, I need their advice.

When we got in I just excused myself and said I was going to change into pyjamas, all the boys looked between Luke and I and looked confused but didn't say anything, thank god, I couldn't be dealing with that right now.

Once I had my pyjamas on I started to walk down the stairs when my mum came in and pulled me in the kitchen.

"Soooo... Which one" she said with her eyebrow raised.

"What?" My mum was honestly not trying to talk about boys was she?

"What one of the 5SOS boys take your fancy?" Yes. Yes. She was.

"Muuuuum" I groaned and Michael walked in.

"I'm just going to hazard a guess and say... Hmmm... Oh! Maybe Luke." Michael said with a smirk. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks, and I honestly hop me blushing wasn't giving it away. Of course it was my mum turned round and smiled at me.

"How did I know it would be him? I'm an Ash gal myself" she said laughing.

"MUM! You can't say that, you're old enough to be his mother!"

"Jess, Julie's just keeping her options open, ain't that right Jules" Michael said chuckling.

"Don't worry Jess, your secrets safe, and I was joking... Slightly... But have you not seen their twitter, they have tons of people following them, they're quite popular, get him before anyone else can have the chance."

"I'm going to call Cassie and Lucy now"

I walked out the kitchen and walked through the living room where the boys are and went outside. I sat down on one of the chairs and I was already getting cold. I can't go back in now I'll look stupid. It was dark out and I could hardly see anything, but I was more interested in getting advice from my friends.




"JESSSSSS!" Cassie and Lucy screamed in unison. I had to take the phone away from my ear to avoid damage because their screaming was that loud.

"Guys, I miss you"

"We miss you too! We're going to visit soon though! We promise"

"I can't wait, I don't really have much friends out here"

"What about Michael?" Cassie asked. Obviously she would be the one that brought up Michael. She is obsessed. I didn't even know she was a fan until I sent her a picture of me and my new brother.

"Yes of course you would bring him up." I said with a laugh

"Gawd Cassie you're so obsessed, you know she has posters of your brother all over her room" Lucy said

"No way" me and Lucy burst out laughing.

"Guys stop, Lucy you can't talk you have Ashton as your lock screen"

"Oh my god, guyssss! Really! Stop obsessing over these boys, they're normal people"

"They're pretty but"

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