"Are you a virgin?"

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Jessica's POV

I'd be lying if I said my mum didn't question me after Luke left. She said she was "rooting" for us since the beginning, she honestly acts like a teenage girl sometimes.

She said she didn't want to see me getting hurt and that Luke was a nice boy and she was happy that I'm with him. I don't even know what we are. We aren't official but we aren't nothing? I'm just so nervous for tonight. He seems to have put a lot of planning into it.

I literally had to drag Lucy away from Ashton so her and Cassie could help me pick an outfit for tonight. They were actually getting on so well, whereas Cassie could hardly even look at Michael, it was so cute how nervous she was.

"I honestly have nothing to wear, I'm going to look horrid" I'm so stressed trying to pick an outfit, it has to be perfect. I can't go out looking like I'm wearing a potato sack.

Cassie started going through my clothes and Lucy started one make up. Cassie managed to pick out a gorgeous outfit. I really tight fitting red dress that accentuated my curves perfectly, sparkly diamond earrings, black heels and a clutch bag. She is so good at putting outfits together, she should really become a stylist.

Lucy started on my hair, she decided on curling it in loose curls. I was absolutely shocked when I looked at myself in the mirror, I didn't even notice myself, I looked stunning.

"Jess, Luke is here." my mum shouted up stairs

This is when I really started to get nervous, what if I messed up. What if I fell down the stairs or something.

"You ready?" Cassie asked.

"Not really, I'm so nervous"

"Don't be nervous, it'll be fine."

I took in a deep breath and walked out my room, I started walking down the stairs and I saw Luke had his back to me. Ashton cleared his throat and Luke turned round. His blue eyes met mine and he looked stunned. He started smiling and looked at the ground, he was so cute.

"Have her back before 11" Michael said.
I rolled my eyes at him and Luke looked up at me and smirked.

We walked out the door and walked to Luke's car and before I could he opened the door for me, he was being so cute.

The drive to the restaurant wasn't that long and when we pulled up I looked over to Luke kind of gobsmacked. This place was fancy, real fancy.

"Don't look at me like that I wanted tonight to be special" he shyly smiled at me. I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face, he was being so sweet.

We got inside and Luke told the waiter his name and the waiter started walking towards the outside seating at the back entrance of the restaurant.

We walked outside and my jaw fell to the floor. There was only one table outside and the grass had wee lanterns on them an fairy lights were hanging on the small wooden bridge and it created such a romantic atmosphere. I looked over at Luke and he was grinning from ear to ear.
"You like it?"..
"Of course I do, it's so romantic"
"Well I'm a romantic kind of guy" Luke said pretending to flip his hair over his shoulder.

We sat down and after a while just decided to order the chefs special. Luke cleared his throat and looked into my eyes.
"So Jessica, we don't really know each other well, want to have a game of twenty questions to get to know each other?"
"Yeah sure, you go first" I was so nervous, I was scared for what he was going to ask and I'm really bad making up questions.

"Full name?" He asked.

"Jessica Louise Daniels, yourself?"

"That's such a pretty name, Luke
Robert Hemmings, favourite colour?"

"Green, How tall are you?"

He let out a small chuckle before answering "6 foot 2, how tall are you?"

"God, you're a whole foot taller than me." I laughed.

"How many boyfriends have you had?" This is where is got embarrassing... should I lie or tell the truth?

"Um... well... eh..." At that moment our food came and it looked amazing! Thank god it gave me some time, hopefully Luke would just take one look at the food and forget.

"I can't tell if you've never had one or you just can't count cause there were so much" he said with a straight face.

"Well...um, I've never really had a boyfriend." I could feel my cheeks burning. I know, how embarrassing, being 18 and never had a boyfriend.

"That's cute." he smile reassuringly at me.

"So how about you hemming? Had many girlfriends?" I start taking a sip of my drink.

"A few yeah, but nothing serious. Are you a virgin?" I was shocked about this question, I started choking on my water. I was coughing and gasping for air.

"I'm sorry if I caught you off guard, you don't have to answer it."

"No, no, it's okay. Yes I'm a virgin. Call me old fashioned and all but I think that it should be with someone special and I haven't found anyone worthy yet."

"That's really cute."

"You must think I'm really lame now, huh?"

"No, Jessica, it just means you have respect for yourself, and I respect that about you." he was being awfully nice to me tonight.

"Why do you insist on calling me Jessica?"

"Because you said that's what your friends call you, and I don't want to be your friend. I want to be more than that."

What Luke had just said had made me so happy. That was the cutest thing anyone's ever said to me in my whole life. I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. I was having the best night ever.

"Awwww Luke that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me in my whole life." I could see the blush creeping to his cheeks.

We finished dinner and asked a whole load of other questions. Safe to say we went over 20.

We got into Luke's car and started driving back to my house. I couldn't wipe the smile of my face. He just made me so happy.


Luke walked me up to my door and said he would be back in ten, twenty minutes because he was staying tonight, no surprise there, but he had to go home first and get clothes.

"So I guess this is goodnight" he said looking into my eyes.

"Mhm" I hummed biting my lip.

"Jesus Jessica could you please refrain from doing that please." he said smiling at the ground and tugging on his lip ring.

"Only if you refrain from doing tha-" he cut me off by kissing me.

The kiss was soft, caring and passionate. I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach and I could feel Luke smiling into the kiss. It was perfect. He was perfect.

He pulled away and smiled. He started walking down the drive towards his car and without turning back he said

"Goodnight Jessica Louise Daniels"

"Goodnight Luke Robert Hemmings." I said and he turned around and winked.

The first thing I did when I came through the door was take my shoes off. They were killing my feet.

I sighed and leaned against the front door and smiled.

"Guess it was a good date?" I jumped at the sudden sound of Calum's voice and looked up to see my mum, Dan, Cassie, Lucy, Ashton, Calum and Michael all standing there.

"That kiss though, can we talk about that?" Cassie squealed.

"Oh my god, you were spying on us?"

"No, we were observing." Lucy said.

"I want someone to kiss me like that." Cassie said dreamily.

"Oh my god. Guuuuys! You are embarrassing."

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