"I-I meant as a friend."

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Luke's POV

The way she just completely tried to ignore me, not going to lie it hurt. I watched as got into the passenger seat of Chloe's car and drove away. I just wanted to apologise. I don't actually think those things about her, I was just upset, I thought she liked Calum. I should have just listened to her when she tried to tell me. I'm such an idiot.

I walked into Michael's and he sympathetically smiled at me.

"She'll come around soon." Obviously he just seen what had happened. Me and Michael are good after what happened. Although it was his sister and everything he forgave me because he knew I didn't mean it. He just told me I better give her one hell of an apology. I'm trying so hard to apologise but she's trying so hard to avoid me and it's breaking my heart. If I could say the things I want to say I'd find a way to make her stay.

Throughout lunch all she and Chloe were talking about was Stacy's party. I forgot that was tonight. I don't know if I want to go anymore. But maybe tonight will be my chance to finally apologise. I just want to go back to the way we were. I don't even know what we were but it's better than what we are now.

I texted Michael that I'd meet them at the party. I wouldn't be able to get in that car. It'd be so awkward.

I got to the party and the house was already full of sweaty hormonal teenagers. The music was blaring and I could hardly hear myself think. I needed to find her. Nothing better get in my way. I done a lap of the house and couldn't find anyone. I was upstairs and I heard loud cheering and whistling from down stairs and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Just as I was about to walk I was pulled into the bathroom.

I turned round and it was the last person I wanted to see.

"Hey Luke glad you came." She said biting her lip.

"Uh, whatever Stacy, I've got something to do" as I tried to walk out the bathroom she pulled me back in.

"You're not going anywhere." She pushed me up against the wall and started to come closer. I grabbed her arms with my hands and tried pushing her back.

"Oh come on Luke, who are you trying to kid I know you like me." She said getting closer again.

"Stacy I don't like you, when are you going to stop trying. I'm just not into you, I-I think I like someone else."

"Luke I'll stop trying when I get what I want"

Just then she leaned in and I was starting to pull away but I was completely backed up against the wall with no way out, I heard a bottle smash to the ground and I looked up and saw her. Jessica standing in the doorway with the saddest look on her face ever. It honestly crushed me. I just wanted to be the one to make her happy but instead if made her sad.

I pushed Stacy off of me and got out of there as fast as I could. I saw Jessica stumbling down the hallway.

"Jessica! Jessica! Wait!" That only made her run faster. As I got down stairs I lost her in the crowd of people. Where the hell did she go. I tried to budge through the crowd of people in the living room and I got to the kitchen and she was nowhere in sight. I couldn't find her. Where the hell would she be. I decided I would call her so I stepped outside into the garden and that's when something caught my eyes. A drunk girl was stumbling down the garden. I am positive it is her. I started to walk towards her and she fell letting out a yelp of pain.

I ran as fast as I could down to her. She was trying to get up but couldn't. I slipped my arms around her waist and lifted her onto the old worn away wall. The sight of her blood pouring from her knees shocked me.

"Are you okay?"

Jessica's POV

"I-I'm fine." I got up and tried to walk away but the pain in my ankle was too much and I stumbled into Luke.

The Only Reason [ Luke Hemmings ]Where stories live. Discover now