"Have you seen Harry Styles?"

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Jessica's POV

I woke up with the sun burning my eyes and my mouth feeling like the Sahara desert. I looked at the clock and it was only 8am. I had hardly got any sleep because after what Calum told us we all came back here and celebrated, Even Mikey and Cassie who had clearly had enough to drink back at the club but they insisted they were sober.

I untangled myself from the bodies on my bed and looked in the mirror and I looked dreadful, I didn't even take my make up off before bed and I looked like a panda.

I shuffled down stairs and heard pots clanking in the kitchen.

"Uuugh can you not!" I walked into the kitchen to see my mum laughing.

"Oh look who's up Mrs "I'm not drunk enough", so tell me darling how are you this morning?"

"Mum shhh, you're hurting my head." I said pulling my hair up from out of my face and into a messy bun on my head. I turned round to the sink and got a massive drink of water and gulped the whole thing down when I noticed my mum looking at my neck with her eyes bulging out her sockets. I raised my hand up to my neck just behind my ear where she was looking and I remembered what happened last night in the club. I could feel the heat rushing to my face. This couldn't get any worse.

"Oh my god I feel so hungover! Morning girls! Holy hell! Is that a hickey on your neck! Jesus Jess to think I thought you were all innocent." Michael squealed trying to imitate my mother. I shot him a glare and he just winked back at me.

I tried to walk out the kitchen but I just bumped into everyone else walking in.

Correction. This could get worse and it did. Everyone was now staring back and forth between me and Luke. this was so embarrassing. I looked over to Chloe for some help.

"So, how cool is it that Louis Tomlinson tweeted about you guys!" Chloe said and I mouthed a thank you to her and we all walked into the living room.

"I couldn't believe it, I thought it was a fake account and then I saw the tick and I nearly cried like a wee girl." We all burst out laughing and he added "At least my reaction wasn't as funny as Cassie's, she was crying." everyone turned round to look at Cassie who was now turning the colour of Michael's hair with her hands over her face.

"Yeah imagine crying because you thought Harry Styles was there." Luke scoffed.

"I know Cassie, you would have known if Harry Styles was there cause you would have heard me squealing like a little girl and see me getting escorted away by security." I laughed.

Luke looked up at me with a weird expression on his face that I just couldn't quite read.

"I didn't think you would be a fan of one direction?"

"Have you seen Harry Styles? He's like a goddam fallen angel or something!"

All the boys in the room just rolled their eyes at me, but I knew they fancied him too, they just didn't want to admit it.


Luke's POV

I knew I shouldn't have felt that jealous when Jessica was talking about Harry Styles because obviously they were never going to meet, but I just couldn't help but think that if she ever did meet him that she would run away with him and forget all about me. I just feel so stupid right now for even having these thoughts. It wasn't going to happen.

"You okay mate?" Michael came into his room and looked at me weirdly.

"Yeah I'm just extremely hungover." I lied. He just wouldn't understand. and it was his sister I couldn't just talk to him about stuff like that cause it's his sister. He paused for a moment as if he knew I was lying.

"Dude, tell me you are not getting jealous over the whole Harry Styles thing." Michael said bursting into fits of laughter.

Of course he knew I was lying, of course he could tell what I was actually thinking. We have been friends for so long, how did I actually think I could get away with that.

"Shut up Michael." I said and threw a pillow at his face.

We both burst into fits of laughter because of how stupid the situation is, it is highly unlikely that she will ever meet Harry Styles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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