"He was like 9 foot tall..."

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Jessica's POV

3 weeks later

It's been 3 weeks since I moved here and I've still not made a single friend. That's my fault though. The only times I've left the house is to get food or avoid meeting Michaels bandmates. I'm just too scared what they'll think of me because first impressions last. Me and Michael have become really, really close. My mum and Dan are so happy about that, my mums just happy that I've actually got someone here. She was worried that I'd just lock myself away.

Today, Michael and the rest of the band are rehearsing so I'm trying to find somewhere to go to avoid them. I just wasn't ready yet to meet them.

I decided that I'd just go shopping and get some new clothes. I done my make up, light foundation, brown smokey eyes to make my hazel eyes stand out and black winged eyeliner. I coated my eyelashes with mascara, contoured my cheek bones and finally applied a light pink lipgloss. I was actually proud of my make up today, it's never looked this good. Thanks to the tips from Tanya Burr, my favourite YouTube beauty guru, my make up skills have been getting better. I looked through my wardrobe for something to wear and just picked out my favourite black ripped skinny jeans, a plain black t shirt and a red flannel. For shoes I was obviously wearing black vans. I pulled my hair out of my messy bun and it landed perfectly down to my waist. I flung on a few bracelets and grabbed my bag and opened my room door.

Just as I was about to leave my mum shouted me in the kitchen.

"Jess, I need you to stay in today and get some housework done. I have a busy day today and I don't have time to do all the housework myself". She has got to be kidding me. I was nearly out of this house. She knew I didn't want to meet the boys yet. She's met them and she loves them. She tells them about me all the time apparently. I was not happy and I think she could tell by the facial expression I was giving her.

"Oh come on Jess, you've been avoiding them for weeks, just stay in and meet them, they're nice boys and they're really excited to meet you, I've told them a lot about you and I think you'll get on really well." That's just made me even more nervous. What has my mum being saying to them? What if I'm not what they expected me to be? I could feel the temperature rising in the room and that's when I heard the knock at the door.

"That'll be them" I don't think I've ever ran as fast in my whole life. I shot right up to my bedroom and locked myself in. I'm far too nervous for this. Maybe I can just do the housework and avoid them? Right?

"Bye Jess" my mum shouted through the house. God now they know I'm in. This couldn't get worse. They're going to think I'm a weirdo. I'll just wait until I hear their instruments coming from the basement and I'll go down to the kitchen and do the dishes.

After the longest twenty minutes of my life I finally heard them start playing so I made my way down to the kitchen. I turned on the radio and got started cleaning the kitchen. If the radio wasn't so loud I would have probably heard the boys stop playing and I probably would have saved myself from the embarrassment that followed.

I was dancing around the kitchen like an idiot singing my heart out and that's when someone entered the room.

"Em hi" he said. It startled me and I spun round and dropped the mug I was holding.

"Shit" I whispered, obviously loud enough for him to hear it. I had no idea who it was because I had not taken the time to look at him yet. I bent down to my knees and started to pick up the broken glass.

"Let me get that, it was my fault, I scared you" he said gently grabbing my wrists and taking the glass from my hands. That's when I looked up. That's when our eyes met. I got lost in a sea of blue. They were beautiful, the most beautiful shade of blue I'd seen, his frown changed from a smile and he bit at his lip and that's when I noticed he had a lip piercing. God it was so hot. I couldn't help but imagine what it was like to kiss him, how the lip ring would feel. How I would tangle my fingers in his blonde quiff and- wait. Stop. What am I doing. What the hell Jess. That's when I noticed that we were still staring at each other an it was getting really awkward.

The Only Reason [ Luke Hemmings ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora