"Whatever groupie"

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Jessica's POV

"You're freezing, here take this." This gesture made me smile so much. Was so cute. Even if he did only want to be just friends he was so sweet too me.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"How'd you find me." I was thinking to myself that the whole time that I wanted it to be Luke that found me.

"Luck I guess" he smiled at me then laced his fingers in mines.

"I was just making my plan on how to survive in the wilderness Luke, honestly thought I was gonna die." I said all dramatic

"You're such a drama queen Jessica you know that." He chuckled.

"What made you come find me anyways" I was curious? Would have thought it would have been Michael.

"I was worried, I was the first to leave the house....that's what friends are for right?" Yeah friends. His words hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt a slight pain in my heart at the reminder that we were never going to be anything more than just friends.

"Uh yeah...friends." Luke stopped in front of me and placed his hand on my neck and the other on the side of my face and started to lean in, is he about to kiss me, surely not? I closed my eyes when I noticed he was leaning in. He wanted to kiss me. This was really happening I was about to kiss Luke! My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to leap out my chest.

"Jess!!" I could hear Michael, Cal and Ash scream. Really. It had to be now. Luke pulled away and sighed and I just gave him a sympathetic smile. God I wanted to kiss him so bad. Could him trying to kiss me be a sign he likes me back? Please let him like me. Hopefully he tries to kiss me again.

"Jess thank god you're okay" Michael wrapped his arms around me in a bone crushing hug and Cal and Ash joined in.

"Guys I'm okay please stop you're crushing me." I chocked out.

I turned to look at Luke and he had his head down staring at his feet scratching the back of his neck. He obviously felt my stare because at that moment he looked up biting his lip. Is he purposely trying to tease me.

We started to walk back to the house, I could feel Luke's gaze on me and stole a few glances at him earning a smile from him. I can't believe Michael interrupted again. We were so close. I swear if he interrupts one more time i will scream. Here I am again thinking that Luke might try and kiss me again. I'm just hoping that he will. That's the second time he's tried to kiss me now that must mean he likes me. Not to mention that would have been the cutest first kiss ever, in the rain. I can't help but smile at the thought of it.

"What you smiling at." Calum whispered to me winking.


"Has he kissed you yet or is he still wimping out?"

"Caaaaal, how did you even know." I moaned.

"Cal knows all." He said with a wink.

"I see the way you look at each other, just friends don't look at each other that way."

"No he hasn't." Calum has just made me feel happier now. Could this mean Luke actually likes me? I turned round to face Luke but he just stormed off into the house. I wonder what's wrong with him. All the boys except for Luke were in the living room, I wonder where he is, is he okay, I'll go look for him. He wasn't anywhere down stairs so I went and checked in Michael's room and that's where I found him sitting playing the playstation.


"What." He snapped

"Are you okay?" I asked.

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