Chapter one: rescue mission

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"It has been five weeks since I have seen any grass or trees" said Jake talking into a voice recorder. "Me and rainbow dash have been stuck on this spacecraft and running out of oxygen, I don't know how much time me and her have left to live" said Jake as he looks out a window. "Jake is over and out" said Jake as he stops recording. Jake lays on the hard floor and slowly falls asleep. Rainbow dash walks in and puts a blanket on Jake before going back to the control center. 30 minutes later a bright light was coming from the outside of the ship. Jake slowly wakes up looking at the light. He gets up looks out the window. He squints a little and notices a blue alicorn infront of him. He suddenly passes out because of lack of oxygen.

Jake Wakes up being carried by rainbow dash. "Is he alright" asked twilight. "Yeah I think his eyes are opening" said rainbow dash. "R... rainbow where am I" asked Jake. "Where home little buddy" said rainbow dash with a smile. Optimus prime walks over and picks up Jake. "Here this should help" said Optimus prime as he puts an oxygen mask around jakes face. Optimus prime puts down Jake and let's him rest on his trailer. "Twilight where is pinkie and the rest" asked rainbow dash. "Sadly turned into dust like the rest of our friends" said twilight. Rainbow dash let's a tear out of her eye but wipes it away. "Hey guys Jake is awake" said Optimus prime. Jake walks out the trailer slowly and steady. "Thank god your okay Jake" said rainbow dash. "Yeah thanks to all of you I didn't die" said Jake smiling. "Where is Umbreon" asked rainbow dash. "He is up stairs on the computer" said twilight. The group walk in and take the elevator up the stairs. "Who was that alicorn I saw before I passed out" asked Jake. "That was princess Luna, we told her about you all being stranded in space" said twilight. "Good thing that destress signal went threw" said rainbow dash. The group walks into Umbreon's work space. "Hey welcome back Jake and rainbow dash" said Umbreon. "So tell me who is all gone" said Jake. "Starlight, Ed, Eddy, Chase, Chowder, fluttershy, Rarity ,Applejack, Pinkie pie buttercup and blossom" said Umbreon. "Add two more Finn and espeon are gone too" said Jake a little quiet. "Where is bubbles" asked rainbow dash. "That's the thing we don't know, me and twilight went to there house and noticed there was only two dust piles, one had blossoms bow and the other had there dads suit" said Umbreon. "So we are thinking bubbles is still alive" said twilight. "What can we do next" asked Jake. "Well by my calculations nightmare moon is still on earth somewhere in a forest" said Edd. "Hey who are you" asked rainbow dash. "Oh this is Edd he is the newest of Are team" said Umbreon. "Well hi Edd I'm Jake and this is rainbow dash" said Jake. "What's up" said rainbow dash in a cool way. "If I'm correct nightmare moon's horse shoe can bring back Are friends and every living creature that was dusted away" said Edd. "Yeah but how do we know if nightmare moon will win again" asked twilight. "Because you have me" said princess Luna. "Rada rada" said schnitzel. "I know almost everything about nightmare moon, because she is basically me but evil" said Luna. Umbreon nods and looks back at Edd. "Let's do it, one more round won't hurt" said Umbreon.

The protectors: one last shot Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora