Chapter thirteen: the big battle

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Nightmare moon pushes rainbow dash, Umbreon, and twilight off. "Okay you made me really mad" said nightmare moon as she gets creates a sword with her magic. Suddenly a lot of pods land behind nightmare moon letting out a whole army of changlings. "This is a battle you will never win" said nightmare moon. "We will fight till the end" said twilight. Suddenly a portal appears beside twilight. The portal opens and reveals celestia, starlight, pinkie pie, fluttershy, rarity, applejack, Ed, eddy,chowder and the whole Equestrian army ready to fight. Another portal opens and reveals espeon, Finn, princess bubble and the banana guards ready to fight. Another portal opens and reveals blossom and the professor ready for a fight. Right beside Umbreon a ship lands and reveals the whole autobot army. Jolteon, flareon, vaporeon, glaceon, leafeon and sylveon arrive to the battle also. The U.S military arrive to the scene with jets and tanks. Jake makes himself big and let's the trapped protectors on his head. "Welcome back princess" said twilight. Celestia smiles and makes a sword with her magic. Celestia puts the sword in the air causing the equestrian army to charge towards the changling army. The banana guards, autobots, eevee evolutions, and the rest start following also. Nightmare moon whistles causing the changling army to collide head on towards the other many army's. The two side collide causing chaos and destruction. Umbreon makes a sword with his dark energy and stabs a changling. Two more changlings tackle Umbreon to the ground. Espeon shoots the two off killing them. Umbreon gets up and hugs espeon. "Welcome back" said umbreon smiling. The two start killing off changlings together. Ed, edd and eddy fight changlings off one by one. "It's great to have y'all back" said Edd. "Yeah I miss doing this" said Eddy. "Hahaha yeah!" Yelled ed as he uppercuts a changling. "Hey Finn wanna do the jake suit" asked jake. "Uhh yeah I do!" Yelled Finn. Jake turns into an armor suit letting Finn take control. Finn charges into a crowd of changlings running them over. Blossom and bubbles fly over nightmare moons ship with lasers coming out there eyes. Luna and celestia shoot beams at the stomach of nightmare moon's ship. The whole ship explodes. "Good to have you back sis" said celestia. "You too" said Luna. "Okay team we must get this orb into the time machine to not let nightmare moon get the orb back" said twilight. "Does anyone know where it's at?" Asked Umbreon. "It's half a mile north" said Optimus prime. Twilight flies up into the air and head that way. Suddenly a beam hits her causing her and the orb to fall to the ground. Nightmare moon stands in-front of twilight mad. "After this I'm not gonna wipe out half the universe, I'm gonna wipe out all of it!" Said nightmare moon as she tries to grab it. Finn in the jake suit tackles nightmare moon to the ground. Twilight gets up slowly. "Here Optimus catch" said twilight as she throws it. Optimus prime catches it and starts running. Nightmare moon gets back up and rams her head into Optimus prime causing him to the fall. Nightmare moon picks up the orb. But blossom and bubbles grab it and fly off. Nightmare moon shoots them out of the air. The orb lands in Ed's hands. "Hahaha what's this" said Ed as he walks off with it. Nightmare moon tackles Edd and grabs the orb again. Celestia and luna shoot a beam at nightmare moon. But nightmare moon shields herself causing the beams to hit celestia and Luna. Espeon launches a pink bubble at nightmare moon. The bubble hits nightmare but doesn't do anything. Nightmare moon grabs espeon's neck and choke slams her. Umbreon grabs on to the orb on nightmare moons hoof. But falls quickly after being thrown off. "I am inevitable" said nightmare moon smirking. Nightmare moon stomps but realizes nothing happened. Nightmare moon looks back at umbreon noticing he has the orb. "See ya never" said Umbreon as he stomps. Umbreon suddenly appears infront of his parents when he was born. "He is beautiful" said Umbreon's mom. "He sure is" said Umbreon's dad. "He will do good things when he grows up" said Umbreon's mom. Umbreon re appears on the ground laying on his side. Nightmare moon becomes silent and starts looking around. Her army falls one by one. Till eventually nightmare moon dies also. Edd runs over to Umbreon. "Are you okay?" Asked edd. "I don't know those elements where to strong for me" said Umbreon. Espeon walks over to Umbreon. "I want to tell you one more thing before I go" said Umbreon. "W-what is that" said espeon with one tear in her eye. "I always loved you too, I might of not showed it before but I always have" said Umbreon while his eyes close slowly. "Hey wake up.." said espeon as she smacks his face a couple of times. Espeon realizes umbreon has passed away. Espeon kisses Umbreon on the forehead and puts his head on her legs. The other protectors circle around Umbreon getting onto one knee.

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