Chapter nine: raritys element

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Bubbles and Edd arrive at the battle of Mexico right after Megatron died. "We must take that element before rarity puts it in buttercups head" said Edd. Bubbles nods and flies up to find rarity. Bubbles flies back down quickly. "Rarity is only 20 feet ahead" said bubbles. "Good this shouldn't be too hard" said Edd as he starts walking. Edd and bubbles hid behind a big rock and think the plan over. "Okay I'm gonna distract rarity while you grab the element" said Edd. "That sounds good" said bubbles as she flies off. Edd walks up to rarity smiling. "Hi rarity how are you" said Edd. "Who are you, if I may ask" Said rarity. "My name is Carl and I wanted to know if you are a fan of dress" said Edd. "I love dress!" Said rarity happily. "Well there will be a store opening soon down south" said Edd. Bubbles grabs the element and pushes the button. "Okay I shall check it out" said rarity. "Thank you and enjoy your day" said Edd as he pushes his button.

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