Chapter four: edds plan

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In the afternoon twilight and rainbow dash drive up into edd's house. "So who's knocking me or you" asked rainbow dash. "Me I guess" said twilight as she goes up the step. Twilight knocks twice and waits. Edd unlocks the door and opens it. "Hey it's been a long time since I've seen you" said Edd. "Yeah long time no see" said twilight. "So what brings you here" asked Edd. "Well me and rainbow dash want to know if you can build a time machine" said twilight awkwardly. "What you know time travel doesn't exist" said Edd laughing. "Of course it is why wouldn't it exist" asked rainbow dash. "Because that sounds so dumb, any if time travel even did exist I wouldn't be able to do it anyway, me and my lovely wife naz are trying to raise a child" said Edd. "Wait how old are you now" asked Twilight. "I just turned 22" said Edd. "Wow time does fly by" said rainbow dash. "Anyway i hope you both find a way to get the team back, good luck" said Edd as he closes the door. "Let's not loose hope maybe I can find a way" said twilight. "Yeah me too" said rainbow dash as she gets in the car. Edd walks into his living and sees naz a little upset. "I can't believe you won't help them" said naz. "What do you mean" said Edd. "The double d I know won't just say no, he would at least try" said naz. "That's the old me, I have you and a child to watch over" said Edd as he walks up stairs. Later that night Edd lays in bed thinking. "You know maybe time travel could work" said Edd In his mind. Edd walks down stairs and goes into an old cabinet with blue prints. "I tried once and it didn't work, maybe there was a flaw" said Edd to himself. Edd looks closely and notices what is missing. "That's it, it needs radiation" said Edd as he folds up his blueprints and gets in his car. At the protectors base twilight and rainbow dash where testing out there machine. "Ready rainbow" asked twilight. "Yeah try it" said rainbow dash excited. Twilight pushes the big red button but nothing happens. "What the heck" said rainbow dash. "Damn it, it didn't work again" said twilight. Rainbow dash hears a honk outside. "Hey someone is here" said rainbow dash as she flies towards the entrance. Rainbow dash opens the door and sees Edd. "We need the last of Are radiation for it to work" said Edd as he walks in. "We don't have much but we have some" said twilight. "Well let's see what we can work with" said Edd.

A hour later Edd finishes his project. "Okay you two I finished" said Edd excited. "Great who is gonna do the first test" asked twilight. "I will, I don't want any of y'all to get hurt" said Edd. Rainbow dash and twilight nod and stand back to watch. "From a push of this button I shall go back to the time when I was born" said Edd. "Go for it" said twilight. Edd pushes the button and disappears. "What the heck" said rainbow dash. "I hope it worked" said twilight. Edd appears in-front of the hospital room he was born in. Edd looks in threw a crack. "What shall we name him" asked edds dad. "We shall name him.. Edd" said his mom a she holds baby Edd close to herself. Edd let's out one tear before he pushes the button to go back. Edd appears back in front of rainbow dash and twilight. "Did it work?" Asked twilight. "It sure did" said Edd. "Did it hurt when you went back" asked rainbow dash. "No not at all actually" said Edd. "So what do we do now" asked twilight. "Get everyone back and do we must do" said Edd. "But we still don't know where bubbles is" said rainbow dash. "I heard crime has gone down a whole lot in Mexico so that's a possibility" said twilight. "Twilight please go to Mexico and see if she is there, I will contact the rest" said Edd. "Okay I shall do that" said twilight as she walks out the door.

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