Chapter eight: twilights element

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Twilight spawns in front of mung daals restaurant. "This should be easy" said twilight as she walks into the restaurant. She looks in the lobby and notices nobody is around. "Wow this is the first seeing this place empty" said twilight as she walks into the kitchen. Twilight walks up to the oven and looks on top. "Haha I knew it would be here" said twilight as she picks it up. Suddenly a blast of purple energy hits twilight in the head. "Ow what the.." said twilight as she turns around and sees herself. "Who are you" asked the other twilight. "I am from the future, I'm on a mission to find all the elements of harmony" said present twilight. "How do I know if your not a changling trick" asked past twilight. "When I was a filly, I always hung out with princess cadence" said present twilight. "I still don't believe you" said past twilight as she blast another energy blast. Present twilight dodges and runs towards the past twilight. Present and past twilight collide there horns together. Present twilight trips past twilight with her left front hoof. Past twilight gets back up and tackles present twilight. Present twilight blast a hole threw past twilights head killing past twilight. "I hope this doesn't effect me in anyway" said twilight. Twilight stands there for a good five minutes before realizing nothing happened. "Looks like I'm fine" said twilight as she pushes her button.

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