Chapter eleven: the slam

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The whole team reappears in-front of each other. "Did we get them all" asked umbreon. "Yes I think so" said twilight smiling. Umbreon and twilight walk into the lab to work on something. "Well that was a blast to the past" said rainbow dash. "Yeah you said it" said Jake. "Rada rada" said schnitzel as he falls asleep. In the lab twilight and Umbreon are almost finished with the experiment. "So how was your little time travel" asked Umbreon. "Oh it was good until i literally killed myself" said twilight. "Dang that must of been weird" said Umbreon. "It kind of was honestly" said twilight. Twilight and Umbreon bring out a black and purple orb with all six of the elements of harmony. "Wow what is that" asked rainbow dash. "It's just like nightmare moons horse shoe, but it can fit anything" said twilight. "Great now all we have to do is slam it against the ground" said Luna. "Yeah about that, someone has to wear it" said Umbreon. The group look straight at Optimus prime. "Fine I will do it" said Optimus prime. Optimus walks over to the orb and grabs its. The orb wraps itself around Optimus primes hand. "AHHHH!" Yelled Optimus prime. "Slam It Optimus" said twilight. Optimus prime slams it hard to the ground. Optimus suddenly appears back on cybertron watching himself become Optimus prime. "Arise Orion pax, or should I say Optimus prime" said alpha trion. Past Optimus prime stands up with his eyes glowing bright blue. "I shall defeat Megatron once and for all" said past Optimus prime. Present Optimus prime appears back in the protectors base. "Did it work" asked Jake. Bubbles looks out the window and sees two birds sitting on a tree. "It might of" said bubbles. Suddenly a shadow appears over the base. "What is that?" Asked edd. "I don't know" said Luna. Nightmare moon's ship appears over the base. "Fire straight at the base" said nightmare moon. Chrysalis nods and fires. Nightmare moons base launches missiles at the base. The whole base explodes in seconds. The blast looked like a nuclear mushroom explosion. "Send me down" said nightmare moon. The bottom hatch opens up. Nightmare moon flies down and lands on the first.

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