When the fire burns out

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(This is my entry for Weekly wattpad contest #55) Contests

"What are you doing, Jane? It's midnight" I grumbled.
"It's witching hour, Dana. Don't be grumpy. I've to show you something" she said, as she placed her eternal warm hand in mine.
"Okay, okay" I said with a yawn, looking at my girlfriend. She gave me a toothy grin and kissed me on the cheek.
"You won't regret this" She said, as she helped me out of bed.
Once we were outside, Jane gathered some wood and  muttered a spell, it burst up in blue flames of hell-fire. 
We sat down in front of the fire. 
Jane was looking at the fire intensely. Suddenly, figures were conjured up in the flames. It was us, the night we explored the lake and each other's hearts and got together.
"There's this saying that if you love a person hard enough you can conjour them up in the flames of your heart. Though the flames of a witch's heart are called hellfire, which does not sound very romantic" she said, looking at me with smiling eyes.
"That's so cheesy" I said, moving in to kiss her but was interrupted.
I looked up.

In the distance, people were running towards us with pitchforks, and fire torches.
"BURN! BURN!" they chanted together with malice.

"We have to alert the coven" Jane said, her face turned white.
We both sent whispers of wind up the windows and in minutes, witches were running in the opposite direction.
The witch hunters were getting closer.
The night felt cold but Jane's hand was warm in mine.
"We are gonna be fine" she assured me as we tread on pine needles and twigs. I nodded because I believed her.

It was then that Ella tripped on a branch and fell down. I turned towards her, the look of horror on her face as she realised what came next. 
"I am going to get her. You keep running" Jane said, letting go of my hand, coming to a halt.
"No! Jane, you can't. You'll die" I pleaded.
She ran past me shouting "I won't be able to live with myself if I let that little girl die".
"JANE!" I shouted as I lost sight of her in the sea of people. "JANE!" I shouted again, my voice a desperate plea.

Jane reached Ella and was helping her up when she saw a witch hunter who thrust a pitchfork towards her.
She pushed Ella away but the pitchfork stabbed Jane instead. She was looking at me with a sad smile as she fell to the ground, blood soaking her blue nightgown.
"NO!!!!" I shrieked falling on my knees to the ground. Hell-fire of my pain rose up.
Every witch hunter was on fire. The wind was moans and shrieks.

"No!!! This can't happen. JANEE! JANE! " I shouted as tears clouded my vision and sobs choked up my voice.
In the flames, I saw her. A luminous figure in the sky.
"Do you think this is cheesy now?" She asked with a smile, pointing at the flames. I couldn't smile anymore. 
"Come back!" I said, desperately.
"I love you, Dana and that was enough" and then she was gone. The flames were gone as the forest sunk back into darkness.
I walked up to Jane's fallen figure and placed her head on my lap. I touched her cheek. She looked peaceful. I took her hand in mine and the warmth was missing. Her hands were cold and foreign.
I sat thinking about the girl who made my heart goes up in flames and thinking about what happens when the fire burns out.

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