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Ok so here is the big change... Izuku will now only have one quirk. Just_A_Daemon pointed that out, gosh I suck at this... anyway you can go and read now. Shoo shoo!

/Izuku's POV/

It's been a month and a half, and when I woke up the first thing I saw was a white ceiling, I was... confused at first, things started going into my head like, 'My ceiling is white' or 'This place's smell is familiar but it's not the scent of my apartment'. It took me a whole minute to realize, I was in a hospital. There was an IV Dextrose, hooked up on my right arm. Then the door opened revealing a man with what looks like an uncombed black hair, I looked at his goggles and immediately knew who he was... he was... ERASERHEAD!

/Aizawa's POV/

I came into the room to see that the little green haired boy was awake, he looked shocked. I made my was to him, and sat on the chair next to his bed. "Hello, my name is-"


I was surprised, this kid knew who I was. Not a lot of people knew me since I was an underground hero. "Yeah... kid I have to ask you some certain questions, about the... incident"

/Izuku's POV/

'Incident... what incident?'

Then it hit me like a bus!

•2 weeks earlier•
It's been a month since mom and dad left me here. As I was heading towards the bathroom, I hear the door slowly creep open. I hid under the counter, I peaked at the side to see... "Moma?", She turns her head towards me, instead of a loving gaze... I got a disgusted glare, I was... scared the first thing she said wasn't, the one I wanted... she said "Tch, you useless disappointment, I see your still alive", she looked at me with so much hatred, "You little brat!", I turned my face to face my... "d-dad", "DON'T CALL ME THAT, I AM NOT THE FATHER OF A DISAPPOINTMENT LIKE YOU!", I could only stare at my once happy parents, "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE!", Before I even knew it, my fathe- Hisashi started letting out fire from his mouth, I sat there motionless, emotionless, and depressed. The last word my mothe- no... Inko told me was, "I hope you rot in hell", then they closed the doors, then they were gone. I sat there for half a minute, I see the door bursted open, I see a man with black hair, but I couldn't see clearly as I have been here for a whole minute, since the smoke is so thick, I passed out, before I completely passed out I heard a man's voice calling me "kid!".
•End of flash back•

"Kid, are you ok?", I hear Eraserhead ask me, 'Kid...' that word and voice, sounds familiar, then I remembered the man who saved me, it was Eraserhead. "Kid... kid... KID!", I snapped out of my own trance, "Y-yeah?", he sighed. "Kid, I need you to answer some of my questions... Is that ok?", I nod to his question.

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"Alright, thank you for your cooperation", I nod, then he left.

/Aizawa's POV/

Hmmm, so the kid's been living all alone for a month, then his parents suddenly turns up and sets the house on fire. "Oh, Eraserhead-san", I turn my head to see, "Detective Tsukauchi", he smiles. "I guess your here to check on the kid", I say in my emotionless voice. "A-ahh yeah, I got his birth certificate with me", he hands me the kids birth certificate

Birth certificate
Name of child | Midoriya         Izuku
                         (Surname) (Given Name)
Relationship of    | Legitimate
Father & Mother |     Child
Date of Birth | July 15 2002
Place of Birth | Near Shizuoka Prefecture
Name of head of |           Hisashi
Household            |         Midoriya
Relationship to       |            Father
Head of household |       
Father |  Midoriya        Hisashi
               (Surname) (Given Name)
Date of birth | February 29 1975
Nationality | Japanese
Occupation | Works abroad
Mother |  Midoriya           Inko
                (Surname) (Given Name)
Date of birth | July 4 1977
Nationality | Japanese
Occupation | House wife

Hmmm, so the kid's name is Midoriya Izuku huh, "Tsukauchi, have your found Midoriya's parents?", he looked down. "Sadly no, I think they fled the country already", "Hmmm, does the kid have any relatives?", I ask him. "Yes, but they don't want him, they keep saying that his a nuisance and a disappointment", I was shocked, why would his own relatives call him that. "Why would they call him that?", "Well it seems as tho, Young Midoriya is quirkles". I was awestruck, 'None of them wanted him, because he was QUIRKLESS!', I sigh and turned to Tsukauchi, "Well thank you for the information, see you around Tsukauchi", "Yes, sir have a good day". Once he was gone I sighed for probably the millionth time this day, 'That poor kid, disowned by his own blood because he was quirkless, this must have been the reason why his parents left him'.

I made my way to the kid's room, I opened the door and saw the kid fast asleep. I walked over to his bed and placed my hand on top of his bushy hair while thinking, 'This poor kid doesn't deserve to be treated like this', I never really showed my emotions to anyone, but that doesn't mean I'm heartless and can't feel sad for a child who was abandoned by everyone because he didn't have a quirk.

I now 🎁 you DADZAWA!!!
(Not officially Izuku's parent... yet
(^_-) ) (did you get the pun... well I'm sorry if it's not funny or you don't get it, Ima go back to sleep now, shoo shoo!
(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ )

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