A new friend!

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Who here wants to murder someone? I know I do (Fucking stupid Amedeo thinks he's soooo cool and people keeps saying I have a fucking crush on him [that was in the past] thinks his sooo cool because he knows how to play basketball! COCKY ASSHOLE!)... Oh and Thank You for the 100 followers!!! (Just right after the anniversary of my account!)

/??? POV/

"Hello my name is Ciel Phantomhive", I 'enthusiastically' say.

"You two", the hag- I mean pig- I mean lady, points at the two boys. "Behave"

"Yes Ma'am", the two boys answer the greenet looks down to his feet. The old hag exits the room.

"H-hi there...", the greenet says.

'Is he shy?', I thought. "Hello"

The greenet smiles when I answered, "M-my name's Izuku, this is Tenko-nii"

"Yo", he answers in a bored and uncaring tone.

I smile to them, god I hate this place...

"You know, you don't have to force yourself to smile. You're not the only one who absolutely hates this place", the boy named Tenko says.

"Tenko-nii is right, even we hate it here. The so called 'caretakers' don't even take care of us", huh so they hate it here as well.

"Thank god, I don't have to hide it", I say. The boy... Izuku smiles.

"So what do you guys do here for fun?", I ask.

"We play card games, or chess!", Izuku got up and took out a chess board it looks like they made it themselves.

"Did you guys make this?", I ask.

"Yeah", Tenko answered.

"Ok then, let's play", I had always loved chess. I guess being with these two won't be such a bad thing...

Yes... I know it's short, I just took a bit of time off my project to make this for you guys (and because I hate school work)

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