Chapter 9~Where is Master Jim ?

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I pretty sure someone by now was wondering..... where the underworld is Jim ???!!!
Well today boys and girls and others after 7 chapters we are finally going to find out
Let us commence ^=^

- During the events of chapters 2-8 -



I continued to walk trough the woods hoping to find Blinky and Argh or at least a near by town for food. I thought about how we were going to get back home 'maybe if I say the chant again......'
My thoughts were cut short due to seeing something  brown in the distance.

I started running hoping it was a town or even maybe a city. I ran until I realized I was on the shoreline ( is that what it's called \_(^_^)_/ ) of the land meaning that I probably was on a island . But the real thing that surprised me was the brown thing I saw earlier.

"A pirate ship!!!" I said in awe. This is impossible pirates haven't been around in ages so that means that we probably went back in time. But then I saw who were on the ships . These men didn't look like pirates they look more like what's the word ..... Vikings ?
Ok now I'm really confused.

I made up my mind to sneak onboard thinking maybe Blinky and Argh did the same.
There where at least 10 ships so I decided to go on the one that had the least amount of men. The ship were filled with tarp covered cages. I decided that it would be best not to see what was in the cages. I sneaked to the lower part of the ship where they kept their stuff. I hid behind a couple of barrels and eventually drifted of to sleep.

I awoke to the sudden stop of the ship. 'We must be at where ever they were going' I said slowly sneaking to the deck. When I arrived I noticed that the place was completely destroyed !!! There were burned marks and the once covered cages were wide open.

My first imitated thought was 'HOW DID I SLEEP TROUGH ALL OF THIS !!!'
but I put that thought to the side and started heading towards the exit to continue my search. That's when I felt a sharp pain on my neck. I started reach to see what it was but I instead fell to the floor. My body felt numb and my throat was dry. Suddenly two men came and picked be up.
"Another weirdo huh?"
"Yup I guess so well better take him to Viggo."
That's when I finally knocked out.

I woke up in a dark room with my hand tied behind my back. Before I could ever try to struggle some guy walked in.
"Well well who do we have here ?" His voice was smooth but also threatening.
"Listen I don't know who you are but I don't want any trouble just let me go so I could go find my friends."
"Friends ? so there are more of them. Dose one happen to be gray and green?" he asked
"Yes actually do you know where he is ?"
"I do but I wont tell you until you tell me where are the others"
"Others ? What are you talking about ?"
"You said friendS meaning there are more of them am I correct ?''
'Man this guy is smart' I thought "maybe but I have no intention of telling you !''
"Well listen kid I will find these friends of yours one way or another'' and with that he left.
'I really need to get out of here'

Hey guys so what do you think of this new schedule ^_^
So yeah I'll hopefully be updating every weekend and I got a little something that is very helpful

Hey guys so what do you think of this new schedule ^_^So yeah I'll hopefully be updating every weekend and I got a little something that is very helpful

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Because I get tiered of typing on by Ipad so I got a Bluetooth keyboard for only 8 dollars
Hope you all liked this chapter and see you next time ;>

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