Chapter 11~Waiting Room

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                                Viggo POV
After my little chat with the boy I decided to go check up on the creature.
When I arrived at the door I took a peak inside.
The dang thing broke of the chains and flatten the shield. 'The thing's stronger than I expected.'
The creature or "Argh" as it calls itself was simply  napping in the darkest corner of the room.
I just sighed and took note to get some stronger chains for him. Whatever this is it obviously was way stronger then a common dragon. I walked to the poster that said the price to watch tonights fight and added a extra 0.
All i know for know for sure that this fight was going to be one hell of a show.

Blinky POV
Miss Astrid left to go talk to Hiccup leaving me alone in the dragon stables. The others don't fully trust me by the way most of them kept their guard up, especially Snoutlout. I decided to explore the rest of the room for the sake of expiration.
The room had mostly things for the dragons like saddles, rocks and scale polish. But there was one thing that caught my attention. It was a book that had a dragon on the cover. And me being the "book worm"(something Tobias called me even thought worms aren't to fond of books from my experience ) I am I opened it.

The book talked about dragons and apparently they have their own different classes like tidal, boulder and sharp.
The book was quite interesting to say the least I read it until it was sundown. I then finally was able to step outside.
The whole place was quite stunning for a place built by teenagers, dear Merlin it was even up in the air !!! There were black dragons scattered everywhere that I believe were called Night Terrors. All and all this place was quite amazing from what I could see.

After while Astrid returned to take me to the others which meant I had to get on "stormfly". A first I denied getting on her but after some convincing from Astrid I finally gave in and hoped on.
When we took of I so rightfully screamed and covered my eyes. Astrid kept telling me it was ok so I slowly opened my eyes. And good golly it was amazing up here. The night air wiped in my face and the night sky was gorgeous.
"Never in my years I would ever imagine that I would someday fly" I said in amazement.
"It's quite amazing isn't it" Astrid said.
And it truly was.

I'm allllliiiiivvvvveeeee :)
I was finally able to write so I hoped you enjoyed this chapter
Because I'm supposed to be in bed right now but again WhO NeEdS SlEeP ???!!!"
Ok now I'm going to bed

Bye :)

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